添加记录时如何指示 CSVPrinter 不写入 header 行?

How do I instruct CSVPrinter to not write a header line when adding a record?

我有一个 CSV 文件,它是由我正在编写的程序以外的程序创建的,因此我无法更改 header。文件的 header 是 ControllerID,Event,Number,ReaderID,Timestamp,TransactionID,。我已经为 CSVPrinter 指定了相同的 headers,我用它来将一行插入到同一个 CSV 中。但是,当打印机添加一条记录时,它会在新记录之前添加一个 header 行,如下所示:

0,1,2688229830,3,2018-09-03 13:54,63


/* Add an entry to the TransactionLog CSV */
private static boolean logTransaction (
  int cid, int rid, boolean freeExit, long tsMS, long accNum, String reason
) {
  boolean added = false;
  int evt = freeExit ? 8 : 1;
  File transactLog = new File(Locations.getDatabaseDir(), "TransactLog.csv"),

  CSVFormat shortFormat = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withQuote(null)
  // Attempt to read the last transaction ID and add 1 to it, to be used as ID of new transaction
  try (
    CSVParser shortParser = new CSVParser(new FileReader(transactLog), shortFormat);
    CSVPrinter shortWriter = new CSVPrinter(new FileWriter(transactLog, true), shortFormat);
  ) {
    // read in all the current records, getting the transactionID of the last record
    List<CSVRecord> shortRecords = shortParser.getRecords();
    int newTransId = 1;
    if (!shortRecords.isEmpty()) {
      CSVRecord last = shortRecords.get(shortRecords.size() - 1);
      String lastTransactionId = last.get("TransactionID");
      // add one to last transaction ID
      try {
        newTransId = Integer.parseInt(lastTransactionId) + 1;
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException IAEx) {
        newTransId = shortRecords.size() + 1;
        LOGGER.warn("Failed to determine last transaction ID from CSV ("
          + lastTransactionId + "); setting to recordCount (" + newTransId + ") ..."
    // write the new transaction record
    Transaction t = new Transaction(cid, evt, accNum, rid, tsMS, newTransId, reason);
    List<String> tValues = t.asList(false), fValues = t.asList(true);
    added = true;
  } catch (IOException IOEx) {
    added = false;
      "Failed to write transaction to \"" + transactLog.getAbsolutePath() + "\" CSV", IOEx

  return added;


如何防止 CSVPrinter 在输出行之前输出 header 行? (CSV 文件已包含 header 行。)


CSVFormat skipFormat = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withQuote(null)

.withIgnoreEmptyLines(true) 的调用是可选的。包含它是为了不保留 empty/blank 行。
