为什么 realloc() 设计得如此糟糕?

Why realloc() is so badly designed?

Herb Sutter 和 Andrei Alexandrescu 的书 "C++ coding standards 101 Rules,Guidelines, and Best Practices" 第 5 项说


Focus on one thing at a time: Prefer to give each entity (variable, class, function,namespace, module, library) one well-defined responsibility. As an entity grows, its scope of responsibility naturally increases,but its responsibility should not diverge

书中还给出了 C 的 realloc() 函数的例子。

In Standard C, realloc is an infamous example of bad design. It has to do too many things: allocate memory if passed NULL, free it if passed a zero size, reallocate it in place if it can, or move memory around if it cannot. It is not easily extensible. It is widely viewed as a short-sighted design failure.

是的,正如我们所知,realloc() 也可用于释放内存。另见 this



2) 为什么它不可扩展?


  1. 因为检查是否可以分配内存然后实际分配它涉及一些需要的常见步骤如果单独完成,将被重新拍摄(因此速度较慢)。

    (想象一下分配 768 MB 内存,然后在 1.5 GB 的机器上要求 1 GB...)

  2. 因为它是为 C 而不是 C++ 而设计的。