如何在 Python 中为聊天机器人创建对话?

How to create dialogue for a chat bot in Python?

我想编写一个快速简单的聊天机器人,可以与用户进行对话。我想知道如何创建允许无限数量的 输入 响应 的对话。现在我正在使用的代码不允许用户定义的输入。这是我现在正在使用的代码。

# Import the random module
import random

bot_template = "AGENT: {0}"
user_template = "USER: {0}"

# Define variables
name = "Greg"
weather = "cloudy"

# Define a dictionary containing a list of responses for each message
responses = {
  "what's your name?": [
      "my name is {0}".format(name),
      "they call me {0}".format(name),
      "I go by {0}".format(name)
  "what's today's weather?": [
      "the weather is {0}".format(weather),
      "it's {0} today".format(weather)
  "default": ["default message"]

# Use random.choice() to choose a matching response
def respond(message):
    # Check if the message is in the responses
    if message in responses:
        # Return a random matching response
        bot_message = random.choice(responses[message])
        # Return a random "default" response
        bot_message = random.choice(responses["default"])
    return bot_message

# Define a function that sends a message to the bot: send_message
def send_message(message):
    # Print user_template including the user_message
    # Get the bot's response to the message
    response = respond(message)
    # Print the bot template including the bot's response.

# Send a message to the bot
send_message("what's today's weather?")

使用input() 命令可以获取用户定义的字符串。它 returns 一个字符串,包含用户在 shell 运行 程序中输入的行。


# Send a message to the bot
send_message("what's today's weather?")


while True:
    print('Write your message to the bot and press ENTER')
    user_msg = input()

    # Send a message to the bot
