蓝牙与 DisplayOnly 配对没有密码框出现

Bluetooth Pairing with DisplayOnly no passkey box appears

我正在尝试为 linux 配置蓝牙芯片以与 android phone 配对。我将有一个可以显示 6 位密码的显示器,因此我尝试将 Bluetoothctl 代理设置为 DisplayOnly。

根据 table 中的 post https://www.silabs.com/community/wireless/bluetooth/knowledge-base.entry.html/2016/07/11/bt121_-_legacy_pairi-MnCo 如果响应者是DisplayOnly,而发起者(Android)是KeyboardDisplay,则应该使用密码输入,响应者显示代码,发起者输入代码。

实际发生的是 Android 在尝试配对时什么都不显示,并且 bluetoothctl 输出显示数字比较响应 yes/no:即使我指定我没有任何输入(DisplayOnly )

我怎样才能让 bluez 代理真正作为 DisplayOnly 工作,以便它显示一个密钥供我在 Android 上输入?

对 URL 中提到的配对选项的理解是完美的,但 BlueZ 的工作方式不同。为了简化这里的讨论,请考虑来自 Bluetooth SIG 的 Bluetooth Pairing blog 的解释。


所以输入可以是"No Input"、"Yes/No"和"Keyboard"三种形式。输出可以是 "No Output" 和 "Numeric Output".

在您的情况下,Android 是您要输入显示在响应程序中的密钥的发起程序。所以 Android 设备的输入是 "Keyboard" 并且响应器是 "Numeric Output" 能力。

为了实现您的案例,您需要在响应器中指定 "DisplayOnly"(您已经正确)并在输入 Android 设备中指定 "KeyboardOnly" 或 "KeyboardDisplay"。

但 BlueZ 默认情况下不会将 "KeyboardDisplay" 视为单独的选项,而是将 converts/considers 视为 "DisplayYesNO",see here in mgmt.txt API 以获取更多详细信息。因此,您的 android 输入设备充当 "DisplayYesNo" 并导致混淆。

所以你需要在响应端使用"DisplayOnly",在发起端使用"KeyboardOnly"。要使用自定义代理(不使用 bluetoothctl 的代理)试验此用例,请使用下面的示例示例(注意:未完全实现,来自标准输入的 fscanf 不好:-(等,)

 * gcc `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0 gio-2.0` -Wall -Wextra -o ./bin/agent ./agent.c `pkg-config --libs glib-2.0 gio-2.0`
#include <glib.h>
#include <gio/gio.h>
#include <stdio.h>

GMainLoop *loop;
GDBusConnection *con;
#define AGENT_PATH  "/org/bluez/AutoPinAgent"

static void bluez_agent_method_call(GDBusConnection *conn,
                    const gchar *sender,
                    const gchar *path,
                    const gchar *interface,
                    const gchar *method,
                    GVariant *params,
                    GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
                    void *userdata)
    int pass;
    int entered;
    char *opath;
    GVariant *p= g_dbus_method_invocation_get_parameters(invocation);

    g_print("Agent method call: %s.%s()\n", interface, method);
    if(!strcmp(method, "RequestPinCode")) {
    else if(!strcmp(method, "DisplayPinCode")) {
    else if(!strcmp(method, "RequestPasskey")) {
        g_print("Getting the Pin from user: ");
        fscanf(stdin, "%d", &pass);
        g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value(invocation, g_variant_new("(u)", pass));
    else if(!strcmp(method, "DisplayPasskey")) {
        g_variant_get(params, "(ouq)", &opath, &pass, &entered);
        g_print("Path: %s Pass: %d Entered: %d\n", opath, pass, entered);
        g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value(invocation, NULL);
    else if(!strcmp(method, "RequestConfirmation")) {
        g_variant_get(params, "(ou)", &opath, &pass);
        g_print("Path: %s Pass: %d\n", opath, pass);
        g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value(invocation, NULL);
    else if(!strcmp(method, "RequestAuthorization")) {
    else if(!strcmp(method, "AuthorizeService")) {
    else if(!strcmp(method, "Cancel")) {
        g_print("We should not come here, unknown method\n");

static const GDBusInterfaceVTable agent_method_table = {
    .method_call = bluez_agent_method_call,

int bluez_register_agent(GDBusConnection *con)
    GError *error = NULL;
    guint id = 0;
    GDBusNodeInfo *info = NULL;

    static const gchar bluez_agent_introspection_xml[] =
        "<node name='/org/bluez/SampleAgent'>"
        "   <interface name='org.bluez.Agent1'>"
        "       <method name='Release'>"
        "       </method>"
        "       <method name='RequestPinCode'>"
        "           <arg type='o' name='device' direction='in' />"
        "           <arg type='s' name='pincode' direction='out' />"
        "       </method>"
        "       <method name='DisplayPinCode'>"
        "           <arg type='o' name='device' direction='in' />"
        "           <arg type='s' name='pincode' direction='in' />"
        "       </method>"
        "       <method name='RequestPasskey'>"
        "           <arg type='o' name='device' direction='in' />"
        "           <arg type='u' name='passkey' direction='out' />"
        "       </method>"
        "       <method name='DisplayPasskey'>"
        "           <arg type='o' name='device' direction='in' />"
        "           <arg type='u' name='passkey' direction='in' />"
        "           <arg type='q' name='entered' direction='in' />"
        "       </method>"
        "       <method name='RequestConfirmation'>"
        "           <arg type='o' name='device' direction='in' />"
        "           <arg type='u' name='passkey' direction='in' />"
        "       </method>"
        "       <method name='RequestAuthorization'>"
        "           <arg type='o' name='device' direction='in' />"
        "       </method>"
        "       <method name='AuthorizeService'>"
        "           <arg type='o' name='device' direction='in' />"
        "           <arg type='s' name='uuid' direction='in' />"
        "       </method>"
        "       <method name='Cancel'>"
        "       </method>"
        "   </interface>"

    info = g_dbus_node_info_new_for_xml(bluez_agent_introspection_xml, &error);
    if(error) {
        g_printerr("Unable to create node: %s\n", error->message);
        return 0;

    id = g_dbus_connection_register_object(con, 
            NULL, NULL, &error);
    //g_dbus_connection_unregister_object(con, id);
    /* call register method in AgentManager1 interface */
    return id;

static int bluez_agent_call_method(const gchar *method, GVariant *param)
    GVariant *result;
    GError *error = NULL;

    result = g_dbus_connection_call_sync(con,
    if(error != NULL) {
        g_print("Register %s: %s\n", AGENT_PATH, error->message);
        return 1;

    return 0;

static int bluez_register_autopair_agent(const char *cap)
    int rc;

    rc = bluez_agent_call_method("RegisterAgent", g_variant_new("(os)", AGENT_PATH, cap));
        return 1;

    rc = bluez_agent_call_method("RequestDefaultAgent", g_variant_new("(o)", AGENT_PATH));
    if(rc) {
        bluez_agent_call_method("UnregisterAgent", g_variant_new("(o)", AGENT_PATH));
        return 1;

    return 0;

static void cleanup_handler(int signo)
    if (signo == SIGINT) {
        g_print("received SIGINT\n");

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int id;
    int rc;

    if(argc < 2)
        return 1;

    if(signal(SIGINT, cleanup_handler) == SIG_ERR)
        g_print("can't catch SIGINT\n");

    con = g_bus_get_sync(G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, NULL, NULL);
    if(con == NULL) {
        g_print("Not able to get connection to system bus\n");
        return 1;

    loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE);

    id = bluez_register_agent(con);
    if(id == 0)
        goto fail;

    rc = bluez_register_autopair_agent(argv[1]);
    if(rc) {
        g_print("Not able to register default autopair agent\n");
        goto fail;


    g_dbus_connection_unregister_object(con, id);
    return 0;

要对此进行试验,您必须在 bluetoothctl "agent off" 中禁用代理并打开代理,

Responder: ./bin/agent "DisplayOnly"
Initiator: ./bin/agent "KeyboardOnly"

当您尝试从启动器配对时,将在响应器中调用 DisplayPasskey 并显示 6 位 PIN,并且启动器将调用 RequestPasskey 并从标准输入中获取输入 PIN。