Python 无法理解循环中的条件语句

Python Can't understand conditional statement in loop

在 python 需要帮助。此代码来自, one of the solutions for this problem 并且无法理解那里的条件语句,正是代码“stack[-1][1]

class Solution(object):

def dailyTemperatures(self, temps):

    if not temps:
        return []

    result = [0] * len(temps)
    stack = []

    for curr_idx, curr_temp in enumerate(temps):

        while stack and curr_temp > stack[-1][1]: # not clear, and I know, it is not a type of access to list element

            last_idx, last_temp = stack.pop()
            result[last_idx] = curr_idx - last_idx

        stack.append((curr_idx, curr_temp))

    return result



stack = ['abc','def','ghi']

比堆栈[-1][1] returns

stack[-1] <-- 'ghi'
stack[-1][1] <-- 'h'