How to upload application with app groups to Apple store?
我使用 App Groups 功能创建了一个带有 Watchkit 扩展的应用程序。现在我想把这个应用程序上传到苹果商店。我喜欢这样:
- 为我的应用程序创建应用程序 ID(例如:com.standardApplication.tictactoe)
在 Xcode 中的 Capabilities 中为 IOS 应用和 Watchkit 应用启用 appGroup 使用标识符:"group.com.standardApplication.ticTacToe"
使用我之前创建的 App ID 在证书、标识符和配置文件中心创建用于开发和分发的配置文件。下载并双击将其添加到我的 Xcode。
之后我去Itune连接用我的App ID和信息制作一个新的App...
- 之后,在 Xcode 和构建设置中,我更改了所有目标(iOS 目标和 Watchkit 目标)的代码签名,如下所示:
但是当我尝试存档我的应用程序以提交到 Apple Store 时,我收到了这个错误:
Check dependencies
Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profiles found: None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified entitlements: com.apple.security.application-groups.
CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'WatchKit Extension' in SDK 'iOS 8.3'
我不知道如何解决这个问题,虽然我尝试了一些我知道的方法或搜索 google 但没有成功,请帮助我。
您还创建了 WatchKit Extension 配置文件,并以相同的方式为您的 ios 应用创建和设置。
创建扩展应用程序 ID(例如:com.standardApplication.tictactoe.watchkitApp)
在Extension app id中启用appGroup Capabilities并设置Extension
我刚刚就这个 post 回答了这个问题,你可以看看这个:
Submitting the Apple Watch app
Because this is a very special piece of application, and you can not
just simply submit the application like the way you used to do.
The differences are the total number of provisioning profile. Without
WatchKitExtension, a provisioning profile is enough. However, you have
to apply for three different application identifiers and three
different provisioning profile in order to let the Xcode to detect you
actually have your phone app, watch app and watch extension.
So, what you need to do is really simple. Just create two more app
identifiers based on the bundle identifier you saw from the WatchApp
target and WatchExtension target. Then, create two more provisioning
profile. Last step, import them into your Xcode. And you are good to
我使用 App Groups 功能创建了一个带有 Watchkit 扩展的应用程序。现在我想把这个应用程序上传到苹果商店。我喜欢这样:
- 为我的应用程序创建应用程序 ID(例如:com.standardApplication.tictactoe)
在 Xcode 中的 Capabilities 中为 IOS 应用和 Watchkit 应用启用 appGroup 使用标识符:"group.com.standardApplication.ticTacToe"
使用我之前创建的 App ID 在证书、标识符和配置文件中心创建用于开发和分发的配置文件。下载并双击将其添加到我的 Xcode。
之后我去Itune连接用我的App ID和信息制作一个新的App...
- 之后,在 Xcode 和构建设置中,我更改了所有目标(iOS 目标和 Watchkit 目标)的代码签名,如下所示:
但是当我尝试存档我的应用程序以提交到 Apple Store 时,我收到了这个错误:
Check dependencies
Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profiles found: None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified entitlements: com.apple.security.application-groups.
CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'WatchKit Extension' in SDK 'iOS 8.3'
我不知道如何解决这个问题,虽然我尝试了一些我知道的方法或搜索 google 但没有成功,请帮助我。
您还创建了 WatchKit Extension 配置文件,并以相同的方式为您的 ios 应用创建和设置。
创建扩展应用程序 ID(例如:com.standardApplication.tictactoe.watchkitApp)
在Extension app id中启用appGroup Capabilities并设置Extension
我刚刚就这个 post 回答了这个问题,你可以看看这个: Submitting the Apple Watch app
Because this is a very special piece of application, and you can not just simply submit the application like the way you used to do.
The differences are the total number of provisioning profile. Without WatchKitExtension, a provisioning profile is enough. However, you have to apply for three different application identifiers and three different provisioning profile in order to let the Xcode to detect you actually have your phone app, watch app and watch extension.
So, what you need to do is really simple. Just create two more app identifiers based on the bundle identifier you saw from the WatchApp target and WatchExtension target. Then, create two more provisioning profile. Last step, import them into your Xcode. And you are good to go.