catch 块和资源关闭的真正工作顺序是什么?

What is the real sequence of work of the catch block and the resource closing?

Oracle Java documentation on try-with-resources中写着:

A try-with-resources statement can have catch and finally blocks just like an ordinary try statement. In a try-with-resources statement, any catch or finally block is run after the resources declared have been closed.


try (OutputStream os = new SampleStream(true)) {
  os.write(0); // both this and closing can throw IOWriteException 
catch (IOWriteException e) {
    //do something wise;

如果关闭有问题,catch 块将永远等待关闭。

我知道,事实并非如此,关闭时的 try-with-resources 异常可以捕获。但随后应重新制定所提及的规则。怎么样?

I know, that really it is not so, and the try-with-resources exception on closing can be caught.


我认为 the extended try-with-resources part of the JLS 可以帮助重新表述这个相当尴尬的解释。
而关于 finally 声明的部分是相当正确的。


try-with-resources 语句中的 catch 语句允许捕获在该语句的任何部分抛出的兼容异常,即 1) 在资源初始化期间,2)在任何资源的资源关闭期间或 3)by 在 try-with-resources 主体中执行的语句.
关于 finally 语句,它将在资源关闭后执行 (或试图关闭)。

参考: Extended try-with-resources

A try-with-resources statement with at least one catch clause and/or a finally clause is called an extended try-with-resources statement.

The meaning of an extended try-with-resources statement:

try ResourceSpecification

is given by the following translation to a basic try-with-resources statement (§ nested inside a try-catch or try-finally or try-catch-finally statement:

try {
    try ResourceSpecification

The effect of the translation is to put the ResourceSpecification "inside" the try statement. This allows a catch clause of an extended try-with-resources statement to catch an exception due to the automatic initialization or closing of any resource.

Furthermore, all resources will have been closed (or attempted to be closed) by the time the finally block is executed, in keeping with the intent of the finally keyword.