在 google Talent Solutions api - symfony 4 上出现 400 错误请求错误

Getting 400 bad request error on google Talent Solutions api - symfony 4

在实施 google 人才解决方案 API 时,出现此错误,

"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Creation request should not have name set.. Request ID for tracking: 07547685-f322-4e9a-b650-0505e3801a8a:APAb7ISK9V8RN0bV6KYUm3BBwoEpL9WDIg==",
"errors": [
"message": "Creation request should not have name set.. Request ID for tracking: 07547685-f322-4e9a-b650-0505e3801a8a:APAb7ISK9V8RN0bV6KYUm3BBwoEpL9WDIg==",
"domain": "global",
"reason": "badRequest"



400 表示您发送了一个错误的请求 - duff 数据!

在你的情况下,幸运的是,他们准确地告诉你你做错了什么 - Creation request should not have name set..!

所以,不要设置名称,希望下一个请求不会是 HTTP 400!
