
Is it possible to define variadic-kinded data types?


type family (~>) :: k -> k -> *
type instance (~>) = (->)

newtype NT a b = NT { apply :: forall x. a x ~> b x }
type instance (~>) = NT


left :: Either ~> (,)
left = NT (NT (Left . fst))

这很酷,也很鼓舞人心。但是无论我玩多少花样,我似乎都无法在 return 类型中得到可变的东西。例如。我想要

type family (:*:) :: k -> k -> k
type instance (:*:) = (,)
type instance (:*:) = ???



type instance (:*:) = Promote2 (:*:)

type family Promote2 :: (j -> k -> l) -> (a -> j) -> (a -> k) -> (a -> l) where

promote2_law :: Promote2 f x y z :~: f (x z) (y z)
promote2_law = unsafeCoerce Refl

fstP :: forall (a :: k -> *) (b :: k -> *) (c :: k). (a :*: b) c -> a c
fstP = case promote2_law @(:~:) @a @b @c of Refl -> NT (\(a,b) -> a)

而且我不知道这是否有任何工作希望,因为我还没有想过更高级的东西 "represented"。但是 GHC 知道我在撒谎

• Couldn't match type ‘(,)’ with ‘Promote2 (,) a’
  Inaccessible code in
    a pattern with constructor: Refl :: forall k (a :: k). a :~: a,


"axiomatic" 方法确实有效,我刚刚使用了错误的相等性:

fstP :: forall (a :: j -> k) (b :: j -> k) (x :: j). (a :*: b) x -> a x
fstP = castWith (Refl ~% promote2_law @(:*:) @a @b @x ~% Refl) fst
    infixl 9 ~%
    (~%) = Data.Type.Equality.apply

使用 Equality.apply 是告知类型检查器在哪里应用公理的必要条件。我在这里制作了a full development个更高级的产品供参考

请注意,当我玩这个的时候我有一次 GHC 恐慌。所以讨厌的技巧可能很讨厌。仍然对其他方法感兴趣。