为什么我们在空手道报告中将 "skipping the steps" 视为 "failed steps" 和 karate.abort()?

why do we consider "skipping the steps" as "failed steps" with karate.abort() in karate report?

对于我的测试场景,我使用 "karate.abort()" 函数,如果满足条件,它会跳过下面的步骤。 但由于跳过了步骤,这将我的完整测试标记为失败。

如果调用 karate.abort() 并跳过后续步骤,是否有任何方法可以将测试用例标记为已通过?


场景大纲:Lambda API ARN 无效时的注册

Given url ApiAdminURL

And path AdminPath

And header apigateway-apikey = apiGatewayKey

And header apigateway-basepath = 'lambda-migration'

* json myReq = read('swagger-lambda.json')

* set myReq.apiConf.subscriptionTiers = <subscriptionTiers>

* set myReq.swagger.info.title = 'REGTEST_AUTO_Regression_Lambda_Quote_Function'

* set myReq.swagger.basePath = 'lambda-migration'

* set myReq.swagger.info.version = 'v1'

* set myReq.swagger.x-lambda-arn = '<arn>'

And request myReq

When method post

Then status <responseCode>

* eval if (responseStatus == 400) karate.abort()

* call read('Lambda-Sleep.feature')

* call read('Lambda-APIDefinition.feature')

* def responsefromsubscriber = call read('Lambda-Subscriber.feature')

 {accessTokenforInvokation: '#(accessTokenforInvokation)', applicationId: '#

 (applicationId)', subscribeToken: '#(subscribeToken)'}

* def AccessTokenforInvokation =


* def ApplicationId = responsefromsubscriber.applicationId

* def SubscribeToken = responsefromsubscriber.subscribeToken


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