我们如何验证 "npm login" 成功并且令牌尚未过期?

How do we verify "npm login" succeeded and the token has not expired?

我有一个脚本可以通过 greping 来验证用户是否已登录私有 npm 注册表(通过 "npm login"):




但是,随着用户凭据过期,这种情况会随着时间的推移而崩溃 (由于标准密码过期规则)。

此外,我创建的帮助脚本无法区分 successful/failed npm login 调用,因为脚本总是以 0 状态退出。

问:(1)我们如何验证npm login成功了? (2) 如何识别npm token过期?


我有 Jenkins 运行 这个 bash 脚本定期 test/verify 我的 npm login 针对私有注册表:


# Suppress commands (Jenkins turns this on)
set +x

# Suppress color codes from NPM output (for proper grepping)
export TERM=dumb

# Stop on any error
set -e

WORKSPACE=... (in my case, set by Jenkins)

echo "========"
echo "Looking for previous failed login (cached credentials)..."
echo ""
# NOTE: A previous failed login can result in an ".npmrc" containing
# a username/password in lieu of an auth token. We look for this and
# remove it (logout) if it exists so that the cached credentials are
# not applied when we run "expect" to login
# (which would see different prompts from cached credentials).

# Chop off "http:"/"https:" prefix from URL
NPM_REPO_PREFIX=`sed -e 's~https\{0,1\}:\(.*\)~~' <<< "$NPM_URL"`

# NOTE: piping to /dev/null so the password isn't printed
set +e
grep -F "${NPM_REPO_PREFIX}:_password=" ~/.npmrc > /dev/null
set -e

if [[ "$GREP_EXIT" == "0" ]]; then
    echo "========"
    echo "Logging out of repo..."
    echo ""

    npm logout --registry "$NPM_URL"

echo "========"
echo "Logging into repo..."
echo ""

(/usr/bin/expect <<EOF
set timeout 10
spawn npm login --verbose --registry "$NPM_URL"
match_max 100000

expect "Username"
send "$NPM_USERNAME\r"

expect "Password"
send "$NPM_PASSWORD\r"

expect "Email"
send "$NPM_EMAIL\r"

expect {
   timeout      exit 1
   expect eof

) | tee "$WORKSPACE/npm-login.out"

echo "========"
echo "Verifying output of login..."
echo ""
# NOTE: If the login fails, the npm command still exits with status "0",
# so we read the verbose output to see that the http server confirms
# successful with "http 201".

set +e
grep "npm http 201" "$WORKSPACE/npm-login.out"
set -e

if [[ "$GREP_EXIT" != "0" ]]; then
  >&2 echo "========"
  >&2 echo "ERROR: Failed to login to repo [$NPM_REPO]"
  exit 1
  echo "========"
  echo "SUCCESS: Logged into [$NPM_REPO]"

您可能会使用 npm whoami 命令。

$> npm whoami
$>  npm logout
 npm whoami
npm ERR! need auth This command requires you to be logged in.
npm ERR! need auth You need to authorize this machine using `npm adduser`

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /xxxxx/.npm/_logs/2019-02-06T10_21_10_780Z-debug.logged

在 GitHub 包的上下文中:如果您使用 npm login --registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com 登录,您可以使用 npm whoami --registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com(相同的注册表)来验证当前登录的用户。

$ npm login --registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com
Username: <your-user>
Password: <your-password-or-your-personal-access-token>
Email: (this IS public) <your@email.com>
Logged in as <your-user> on https://npm.pkg.github.com/.

$ npm whoami --registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com

如果我只 运行 npm whoami 我得到问题中提到的错误。

这个问题可能是因为npm whoami调用文件中有一个.npmrc文件。如果该文件中的令牌已损坏,则会出现此错误。您可以更正或删除文件中的令牌值并使用全局令牌值。