"type" 声明在类型类声明中的含义

meaning of "type" declaration in a typeclass declaration


-- | Gathers common slice operations.
class Slice a where
    type Loc a

    sliceEvents :: a -> [ResolvedEvent]
    -- ^ Gets slice's 'ResolvedEvent's.
    sliceDirection :: a -> ReadDirection
    -- ^ Gets slice's reading direction.
    sliceEOS :: a -> Bool
    -- ^ If the slice reaches the end of the stream.
    sliceFrom :: a -> Loc a
    -- ^ Gets the starting location of this slice.
    sliceNext :: a -> Loc a
    -- ^ Gets the next location of this slice.
    toSlice :: a -> SomeSlice
    -- ^ Returns a common view of a slice.

我不明白type Loc a在做什么...

Loc a 是关联类型,这是一种声明与 class 实例关联的类型族实例的方式。 Loc a表示的类型由a的类型决定,在实例中指定:例如

instance Slice Foo where
    type Loc Foo = Bar

无论 Loc a 出现在 class 声明中的什么地方,它都会被实例中的相应类型替换 - 因此 Foo 的实例函数看起来像

sliceEvents :: Foo -> [ResolvedEvent]
sliceFrom :: Foo -> Bar

关联类型也可以通过给定 class 约束在 class 声明之外的其他函数中使用:例如

myFunction :: (Slice a) => a -> Loc a