在 python 中将 AAA BB CC 等信用评级列转换为 AAA = 1、BB = .75 等数字类别?

Converting a column of credit ratings like AAA BB CC to a numeric category of AAA = 1, BB = .75 etc in python?

我在名为 'CREDIT RATING' 的数据框中有一列,用于跨行的多家公司。我需要为从 1(AAA) 到 0(DDD) 的 AAA 到 DDD 等评级分配一个数字类别。有没有一种快速简单的方法来执行此操作并基本上创建一个新列,我在其中获得数字 1-0 by .1's?谢谢!


df['CREDIT RATING NUMERIC'] = df['CREDIT RATING'].replace({'AAA':1, ... , 'DDD':0})


mymap = {"AAA":1.0, "AA":0.9, ... "DDD":0.0} 


df["CREDIT MAPPING"] = df["CREDIT RATING"].replace(mymap)


# First getting a ratings list acquired from wikipedia than setting into a dataframe to replicate your scenario

ratings = ['AAA' ,'AA1' ,'AA2' ,'AA3' ,'A1' ,'A2' ,'A3' ,'BAA1' ,'BAA2' ,'BAA3' ,'BA1' ,'BA2' ,'BA3' ,'B1' ,'B2' ,'B3' ,'CAA' ,'CA' ,'C' ,'C' ,'E' ,'WR' ,'UNSO' ,'SD' ,'NR']
df_credit_ratings = pd.DataFrame({'Ratings_id':ratings})

df_credit_ratings = pd.concat([df_credit_ratings,df_credit_ratings]) # just to replicate duplicate records

# The set() command get the unique values
unique_ratings = set(df_credit_ratings['Ratings_id'])
number_of_ratings = len(unique_ratings) # counting how many unique there are
number_of_ratings_by_tenth = number_of_ratings/10 # Because from 0 to 1 by 0.1 to 0.1 there are 10 positions.

# the numpy's arange fills values in between from a range (first two numbers) and by which decimals (third number)
dec = list(np.arange(0.0, number_of_ratings_by_tenth, 0.1))


df_ratings_unique = pd.DataFrame({'Ratings_id':list(unique_ratings)}) # list so it gets one value per row

编辑:正如 Thomas 在另一个答案的评论中所建议的那样,这种排序可能不适合您,因为它不是评级重要性的真正顺序。所以你可能需要先创建一个数据框,它们已经按顺序排列,不需要排序。

df_ratings_unique.sort_values(by='Ratings_id', ascending=True, inplace=True) # sorting so it matches the order of our weigths above. 


df_ratings_unique['Weigth'] = dec # adding the weigths to the DF

df_ratings_unique.set_index('Ratings_id', inplace=True) # setting the Rantings as index to map the values bellow

# now this is the magic, we're creating a new column at the original Dataframe and we'll map according to the `Ratings_id` by our unique dataframe
df_credit_ratings['Weigth'] = df_credit_ratings['Ratings_id'].map(df_ratings_unique.Weigth)