webpack 在不打包的情况下加载 AMD 模块

webpack load AMD modules without bundling

我正在将一个网络应用从 requireJS 迁移到 webpack。 使用requireJS,我根据环境有不同的配置。

如您所见,使用 requireJS 模块加载和捆绑是两个独立的过程,这使我可以在开发过程中调试 AMD 模块而无需 sourcemaps

如何在开发过程中仅使用 webpack 作为模块加载器而不进行捆绑来实现这种情况?


How can I achieve this scenario using webpack as a module loader only without bundling during development ?

Webpack 总是会打包,不管环境如何。

If this is not possible, is there any other way I can see my source files in the browser debugger without generating sourcemaps?

如果您的代码是 transpiled/compiled,您将需要源映射才能看到它。没有办法解决这个问题。

的确,如果您的代码被转译,那么您将需要源映射。但是可以绕过捆绑。是的,webpack 真的总是会尝试打包,但是有了插件,代码可以从打包中取出并放在输出目录中,就好像它只是 运行 通过转译器一样。

我有一个节点应用程序,我想将其简单地转换为 ES5 file-by-file,而不捆绑任何东西。所以我的配置大致是这样的:

let config = {
    entry: [
        glob.sync(srcDir + '/**/*.js') // get all .js files from the source dir
    output : {
        filename : '[name].rem.js',  // webpack wants to bundle - it can bundle here ;) 
        path: outDir
    resolve: {
        alias: {
            'app': appDir
    plugins: [
        new RemoveEmptyScriptsPlugin({extensions: ['js'], scriptExtensions: /\.rem\.js/}) // for all .js source files that get bundled remove the bundle .rem.js file
    module: {
            test: /\.jsx?$/,
            type: 'asset/resource', // get webpack to take it out instead of bundling
            generator: {
                filename: ({filename}) => filename // return full file name so directory structure is preserved
            use: {
                loader: 'babel-loader',
                options: {
                    targets: { node: 16 },
                    presets: [
                        ['@babel/preset-env', { modules: 'commonjs' /* transpile import/export */}],
// Since the code does not go through the full pipeline and imports are not getting resolved, aliases will remain in the code.
// To resolve them it takes to hack the aliases object into the babel config
config.module.rules[0].use.options.plugins.push(['babel-plugin-webpack-alias-7', {config: {resolve: {alias: config.resolve.alias}}}];


啊,然后 webpack-remove-empty-scripts 插件对我的想法有问题所以我也不得不修补它 https://github.com/webdiscus/webpack-remove-empty-scripts/pull/6