R binary / decimal conversion confusion - AIS data
我正在使用 AIS(自动识别系统)数据来定位船只。我能够关注 this guide to decode almost all the bit of information successfully (when compared to online decoding done here)。
但是,我 运行 遇到了经度部分的问题。我 认为 它与小数值为负有关,但我无法弄清楚要在我的代码中更改什么才能使其正确。
TLDR 版本:如何从二进制字符串 1101001000001001001110010000 得到十进制值 -48196720(或 48196720)?
# choose an example - two strings are provided.
# The first string shows the issue with the longitude,
# whereas the second string (where longitude is positive) has no issue
s <- "15E3tB001;J@BLPaK5j7qFA406;d"
# s <- "133m@ogP00PD;88MD5MTDww@2D7k"
### for input into the online decoder - use these:
# !AIVDM,1,1,,A,14eG;o@034o8sd<L9i:a;WF>062D,0*7D
# !AIVDM,1,1,,A,133m@ogP00PD;88MD5MTDww@2D7k,0*46
temp <- data.frame(V6 = s) %>%
# splitting the AIS info into separate characters
mutate(char_split = str_split(V6,pattern=""))
temp$Text <- apply(temp, 1, function(x) paste(unlist(x$char_split), collapse = ","))
temp <- temp %>%
select(-char_split) %>%
# and then into separate columns
separate(Text, into = paste0("v", 1:43, sep = ""), sep = ",", fill = "right")
ASCII <- temp %>%
# translating to ASCII
ASCII <- apply(ASCII, c(1, 2), function(x) utf8ToInt(x))
# translating to 6-bit
ASCII <- apply(ASCII, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(x <= 88, x - 48, x - 48 - 8))
一旦数据为 ASCII,需要转换为二进制
# making binary
Binary <- apply(ASCII, c(1, 2), function(x){ paste(rev(as.integer(intToBits(x))[1:6]), collapse = "")})
# pasting all the binary info into a single string
temp$Binary <- apply(Binary, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "" ))
temp <- temp %>%
select(V6, Binary) %>%
# selecting bits of the single binary string,
#and translating back to decimal, as per the guide
mutate(MMSI = strtoi(substr(Binary, 9, 38), base = 2),
SOG = strtoi(substr(Binary, 50, 60), base = 2)/10,
Accuracy = strtoi(substr(Binary, 61, 61), base = 2),
Lon = strtoi(substr(Binary, 62, 89), base = 2)/600000,
Lat = strtoi(substr(Binary, 90, 116), base = 2)/600000,
COG = strtoi(substr(Binary, 117, 128), base = 2)/10,
Heading = strtoi(substr(Binary, 129, 137), base = 2))
select(temp, -Binary, -V6)
当我与在线解码器进行比较时,除经度外,一切都匹配。在解码器中,结果是 80.3278667(尽管它实际上是 -80.3278667),而我的是 367.0646。试图对此进行逆向工程,我查看了 temp$Binary
mine <- substr(temp$Binary, 62, 89)
RevEng <- -80.3278667 * 600000
binaryLogic:::as.binary(as.integer(RevEng), signed = FALSE)
所以看起来 RevEng 值与我的二进制字符串的右端尾部匹配,但我无法弄清楚为什么它与完整的二进制字符串不匹配,或者从这里开始做什么...
与博客 [=23=] 告诉您的相反,经度是一个 有符号 整数。但是,它仅使用 28 位,而 R 在内部使用 32 位。因此,您必须自己处理 two's compliment conversion。对于设置了最高位的任何数字,您必须减去 2^28
mine <- "1101001000001001001110010000"
strtoi(mine, base = 2) - 2^28
#> [1] -48196720
您可以在二进制字符串上使用 substr
或通过查找数字 >= 2^27
顺便说一句,这同样适用于纬度,只是它只使用 27 位。
我正在使用 AIS(自动识别系统)数据来定位船只。我能够关注 this guide to decode almost all the bit of information successfully (when compared to online decoding done here)。
但是,我 运行 遇到了经度部分的问题。我 认为 它与小数值为负有关,但我无法弄清楚要在我的代码中更改什么才能使其正确。
TLDR 版本:如何从二进制字符串 1101001000001001001110010000 得到十进制值 -48196720(或 48196720)?
# choose an example - two strings are provided.
# The first string shows the issue with the longitude,
# whereas the second string (where longitude is positive) has no issue
s <- "15E3tB001;J@BLPaK5j7qFA406;d"
# s <- "133m@ogP00PD;88MD5MTDww@2D7k"
### for input into the online decoder - use these:
# !AIVDM,1,1,,A,14eG;o@034o8sd<L9i:a;WF>062D,0*7D
# !AIVDM,1,1,,A,133m@ogP00PD;88MD5MTDww@2D7k,0*46
temp <- data.frame(V6 = s) %>%
# splitting the AIS info into separate characters
mutate(char_split = str_split(V6,pattern=""))
temp$Text <- apply(temp, 1, function(x) paste(unlist(x$char_split), collapse = ","))
temp <- temp %>%
select(-char_split) %>%
# and then into separate columns
separate(Text, into = paste0("v", 1:43, sep = ""), sep = ",", fill = "right")
ASCII <- temp %>%
# translating to ASCII
ASCII <- apply(ASCII, c(1, 2), function(x) utf8ToInt(x))
# translating to 6-bit
ASCII <- apply(ASCII, c(1, 2), function(x) ifelse(x <= 88, x - 48, x - 48 - 8))
一旦数据为 ASCII,需要转换为二进制
# making binary
Binary <- apply(ASCII, c(1, 2), function(x){ paste(rev(as.integer(intToBits(x))[1:6]), collapse = "")})
# pasting all the binary info into a single string
temp$Binary <- apply(Binary, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "" ))
temp <- temp %>%
select(V6, Binary) %>%
# selecting bits of the single binary string,
#and translating back to decimal, as per the guide
mutate(MMSI = strtoi(substr(Binary, 9, 38), base = 2),
SOG = strtoi(substr(Binary, 50, 60), base = 2)/10,
Accuracy = strtoi(substr(Binary, 61, 61), base = 2),
Lon = strtoi(substr(Binary, 62, 89), base = 2)/600000,
Lat = strtoi(substr(Binary, 90, 116), base = 2)/600000,
COG = strtoi(substr(Binary, 117, 128), base = 2)/10,
Heading = strtoi(substr(Binary, 129, 137), base = 2))
select(temp, -Binary, -V6)
当我与在线解码器进行比较时,除经度外,一切都匹配。在解码器中,结果是 80.3278667(尽管它实际上是 -80.3278667),而我的是 367.0646。试图对此进行逆向工程,我查看了 temp$Binary
mine <- substr(temp$Binary, 62, 89)
RevEng <- -80.3278667 * 600000
binaryLogic:::as.binary(as.integer(RevEng), signed = FALSE)
所以看起来 RevEng 值与我的二进制字符串的右端尾部匹配,但我无法弄清楚为什么它与完整的二进制字符串不匹配,或者从这里开始做什么...
与博客 [=23=] 告诉您的相反,经度是一个 有符号 整数。但是,它仅使用 28 位,而 R 在内部使用 32 位。因此,您必须自己处理 two's compliment conversion。对于设置了最高位的任何数字,您必须减去 2^28
mine <- "1101001000001001001110010000"
strtoi(mine, base = 2) - 2^28
#> [1] -48196720
您可以在二进制字符串上使用 substr
或通过查找数字 >= 2^27
顺便说一句,这同样适用于纬度,只是它只使用 27 位。