如何将 .pts 或 .npy 文件转换为 .ply 或 .h5 文件?

how to convert .pts or .npy file into .ply or .h5 file?

我有 3d 点云数据作为 .npy 文件和 .pts 数据。

要将这些数据用于 3d 分类神经网络,我必须将这些数据更改为 .h5 文件。

所以,首先我尝试使用 python.

将 .npy 或 .pts 文件转换为 .ply 文件


此外,我将非常感谢将 .ply 转换为 .h5 格式的方法..


我希望这段代码能让你入门,它展示了如何从 npy(或随机点)创建 h5 文件。警告组和数据集的名称是任意的(这是一个例子)。

import os
import h5py
import numpy as np

# reading or creating an array of points numpy style
def create_or_load_random_points_npy(file_radix, size, min, max):
    if os.path.exists(file_radix+'.npy'):
        arr = np.load(file_radix+'.npy')
        arr = np.random.uniform(min, max, (size,3))
        np.save(file_radix, arr)
    return arr

# converting a numpy array (size,3) to a h5 file with two groups representng two way
# of serializing points
def convert_array_2_shades_of_grey(file_radix, arr):
    file = h5py.File(file_radix + '.h5', 'w')
    #only one dataset in a group
    group = file.create_group("single_dataset")
    group.attrs["desc"]=np.string_("random points in a single dataset")
    dset=group.create_dataset("points", (len(arr), len(arr[0])), h5py.h5t.NATIVE_DOUBLE)
    #create a dataset for each coordinate
    group = file.create_group("several_datasets")
    group.attrs["desc"] = np.string_("random points in a several coordinates (one for each coord)")
    dset = group.create_dataset("x", (len(arr),), h5py.h5t.NATIVE_DOUBLE)
    dset[...] = arr[:, 0]
    dset = group.create_dataset("y", (len(arr),), h5py.h5t.NATIVE_DOUBLE)
    dset[...] = arr[:, 1]
    dset = group.create_dataset("z", (len(arr),), h5py.h5t.NATIVE_DOUBLE)
    dset[...] = arr[:, 2]

# loads the h5 file, choose which way of storing you would like to deserialize
def load_random_points_h5(file_radix, single=True):
    file = h5py.File(file_radix + '.h5', 'r')
    if single:
        group = file["single_dataset"]
        print 'reading -> ', group.attrs["desc"]
        arr = dset[...]
        group = file["several_datasets"]
        print 'reading -> ', group.attrs["desc"]
        dset = group["x"]
        arr = np.zeros((dset.size, 3))
        arr[:, 0] = dset[...]
        dset = group["y"]
        arr[:, 1] = dset[...]
        dset = group["z"]
        arr[:, 2] = dset[...]
    return arr

# And now we test !!!
file_radix = 'test'
# create or load the npy file
arr =  create_or_load_random_points_npy(file_radix, 10000, -100.0, 100.0)
# Well, well, what is in the box ?
print arr

# converting numpy array to h5
convert_array_2_shades_of_grey(file_radix, arr)

# loading single dataset style.
arr = load_random_points_h5(file_radix, True)
# Well, well, what is in the box ?
print arr
# loading several dataset style.
arr = load_random_points_h5(file_radix, False)
# Well, well, what is in the box ?
print arr

要查看 h5 文件的内容,请下载 HDFview

也不要犹豫,看看h5py doc

最后但同样重要的是,您可以随时在 HDFgroup forum 向 HDF5 社区提问(他们提供像 SO 这样闪亮的徽章,哇!!!)

Correction/Improvement 共

如果您有多个要转换为 .h5 的 .npy 文件,请将它们所在目录的路径写入变量 NPY_DIRECTORY:

from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
import os
import h5py
import numpy as np
filenames = [f for f in listdir(NPY_FILES_DIRECTORY) if isfile(join(NPY_FILES_DIRECTORY, f))]

# reading or creating an array of points numpy style
def create_or_load_random_points_npy(filename, size, min, max):
    if os.path.exists(filename):
        arr = np.load(filename)
        arr = np.random.uniform(min, max, (size,3))
        np.save(filename, arr)
    return arr

# converting a numpy array (size,3) to a h5 file with two groups representng two way
# of serializing points
def convert_array_2_shades_of_grey(filename, arr):
    file = h5py.File(filename + '.h5', 'w')
    #only one dataset in a group
    group = file.create_group("single_dataset")
    group.attrs["desc"]=np.string_("random points in a single dataset")
    dset=group.create_dataset("points", (len(arr), len(arr[0])), h5py.h5t.NATIVE_DOUBLE)
    #create a dataset for each coordinate
    group = file.create_group("several_datasets")
    group.attrs["desc"] = np.string_("random points in a several coordinates (one for each coord)")
    dset = group.create_dataset("x", (len(arr),), h5py.h5t.NATIVE_DOUBLE)
    dset[...] = arr[:, 0]
    dset = group.create_dataset("y", (len(arr),), h5py.h5t.NATIVE_DOUBLE)
    dset[...] = arr[:, 1]
    dset = group.create_dataset("z", (len(arr),), h5py.h5t.NATIVE_DOUBLE)
    dset[...] = arr[:, 2]

# loads the h5 file, choose which way of storing you would like to deserialize
def load_random_points_h5(filename, single=True):
    file = h5py.File(filename + '.h5', 'r')
    if single:
        group = file["single_dataset"]
        print('reading -> ', group.attrs["desc"])
        arr = dset[...]
        group = file["several_datasets"]
        print('reading -> ', group.attrs["desc"])
        dset = group["x"]
        arr = np.zeros((dset.size, 3))
        arr[:, 0] = dset[...]
        dset = group["y"]
        arr[:, 1] = dset[...]
        dset = group["z"]
        arr[:, 2] = dset[...]
    return arr

# And now we test !!!
for filename in filenames:
    # create or load the npy file
    arr = create_or_load_random_points_npy(filename, 10000, -100.0, 100.0)
    # Well, well, what is in the box ?

    # converting numpy array to h5
    convert_array_2_shades_of_grey(filename, arr)

    # loading single dataset style.
    arr = load_random_points_h5(filename, True)
    # Well, well, what is in the box ?
    # loading several dataset style.
    arr = load_random_points_h5(filename, False)
    # Well, well, what is in the box ?