摩西的文档(统计机器翻译)mose.ini 文件格式?

Documentation of Moses (statistical machine translation) mose.ini file format?

有没有 Moses 的 moses.ini 格式的文档? 运行 在没有参数的命令行中运行 returns 可用的功能名称,但没有它们的可用参数。另外,我看到的手册中并没有详细说明.ini文件的结构。

主要思想是该文件包含翻译模型将使用的设置。因此,moses.ini 中的值和选项的文档应该在 Moses 功能规范中查找。

以下是我在网上找到的一些关于 moses.ini 的摘录。

Moses Core中,我们有一些细节:

7.6.5 moses.ini
All feature functions are specified in the [feature] section. It should be in the format:
* Feature-name key1=value1 key2=value2 ....
For example, KENLM factor=0 order=3 num-features=1 lazyken=0 path=file.lm.gz

此外,还有关于如何打印 moses.ini 中提到的所有组件的基本统计信息的提示。

Run the script
analyse_moses_model.pl moses.ini
This can be useful to set the order of mapping steps to avoid explosion of translation options or just to check that the model components are as big/detailed as we expect.

Center for Computational Language and EducAtion Research (CLEAR) Wiki 中,有一个带有一些文档的示例文件:


It is recommended to make an .ini file to storage all of your setting.

- Using factor model or not
- To use LM in memory (T) or read the file in hard disk directly (G)
- Indicate the num. of source-factor, num. of target-factor, num of score, and the path to translation table file
- Indicate the type using for LM (0:SRILM, 1:IRSTLM), using factor number, the order (n-gram) of LM, and the path to language model file

如果还不够,this page, see "Decoder configuration file" section上还有说明

The sections [ttable-file] and [lmodel-file] contain pointers to the phrase table file and language model file, respectively. You may disregard the numbers on those lines. For the time being, it's enough to know that the last one of the numbers in the language model specification is the order of the n-gram model.

The configuration file also contains some feature weights. Note that the [weight-t] section has 5 weights, one for each feature contained in the phrase table.

The moses.ini file created by the training process will not work with your decoder without modification because it relies on a language model library that is not compiled into our decoder. In order to make it work, open the moses.ini file and find the language model specification in the line immediately after the [lmodel-file] heading. The first number on this line will be 0, which stands for SRILM. Change it into 8 and leave the rest of the line untouched. Then your configuration should work.