Stan 中的冒号是什么意思?

What does the colon mean in Stan?

我是 Stan 编程的新手,正在尝试处理我在网上找到的一些代码:

data {
  int N;
  int PX; // dimension of exogenous covariates
  int PN; // dimension of endogenous covariates
  int PZ; // dimension of instruments
  matrix[N, PX] X_exog; // exogenous covariates
  matrix[N, PN] X_endog; // engogenous covariates
  matrix[N, PZ] Z; // instruments
  vector[N] Y_outcome; // outcome variable
  int<lower=0,upper=1> run_estimation; // simulate (0) or estimate (1)
transformed data {
  matrix[N, 1 + PN] Y;
  Y[,1] = Y_outcome;
  Y[,2:] = X_endog;
parameters {
  vector[PX + PN] gamma1;
  matrix[PX + PZ, PN] gamma2;
  vector[PN + 1] alpha;
  vector<lower = 0>[1 + PN] scale;
  cholesky_factor_corr[1 + PN] L_Omega;
transformed parameters {
  matrix[N, 1 + PN] mu; // the conditional means of the process

  mu[:,1] = rep_vector(alpha[1], N) + append_col(X_endog,X_exog)*gamma1;
  mu[:,2:] = rep_matrix(alpha[2:]', N) + append_col(X_exog, Z)*gamma2;


这是工具变量模型的开始。在 "transformed parameters" 部分,我不太确定“:”在行中的作用:

 mu[:,1] = rep_vector(alpha[1], N) + append_col(X_endog,X_exog)*gamma1;
  mu[:,2:] = rep_matrix(alpha[2:]', N) + append_col(X_exog, Z)*gamma2; 

它是否告诉 Stan 这应该迭代现有的 rows/columns?

一般来说,冒号表示一系列连续的整数(除非它被用作三元运算符的一部分)。通常,你会看到它的颜色两边都有整数,比如for (n in 1:N) {...}。但是,Stan 用户手册的第 27.2 节将 "one-sided" 整数序列的子集数组、向量、矩阵等描述为

It is also possible to supply just a lower bound, or just an upper bound. Writing c[3:] is just shorthand for c[3:size(c)]. Writing c[:5] is just shorthand for c[1:5].

此外,Stan 用户手册将 "zero-sided" 整数序列的子集描述为

Finally, it is possible to write a range index that covers the entire range of an array, either by including just the range symbol (:) as the index or leaving the index position empty. In both cases, c[] and c[:] are equal to c[1:size(c)], which in turn is just equal to c.

因此,mu[:,2:] = 等同于 mu[ , 2:cols(mu)] =,并用赋值运算符右侧的(子)矩阵填充除第一列以外的所有行。