如何使用 Mockito 跳过调用 void 方法

How to use Mockito to skip invoking a void method

我有一个暴露端点的 REST 控制器。当命中此端点时,将调用一个 void 方法,然后此方法将关闭并将文件推送到远程 GitHub 存储库。代码运行良好。

我的问题出现在为 class 编写单元测试时。我不希望调用实际的 void 方法(因为它正在将文件推送到 github)。我在调用该方法时模拟了 doNothing() 方法,但由于某种原因仍在推送该文件。我哪里错了?



public class ApplicationController {

    GitService gitService;

    public String push_policy() throws IOException, GitAPIException {
        gitService.gitPush("Successfully pushed a fie to github...i think.");
        return "pushed the file to github.";



public interface GitService {

    public void gitPush(String fileContents) throws IOException, GitAPIException;



public class GitServiceImpl implements GitService {

    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(GitServiceImpl.class.getName());

    public void gitPush(String fileContents) throws IOException, GitAPIException {

        // prepare a new folder for the cloned repository
        File localPath = File.createTempFile(GIT_REPO, "");
        if (!localPath.delete()) {
            throw new IOException("Could not delete temporary file " + localPath);

        // now clone repository
        System.out.println("Cloning from" + REMOTE_GIT_URL + "to " + localPath);

        try (Git result = Git.cloneRepository().setURI(REMOTE_GIT_URL).setDirectory(localPath)
                .setCredentialsProvider(new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider(GIT_USER, GIT_PASSWORD)).call()) {
            // Note: the call() returns an opened repository already which needs to be
            // closed to avoid file handle leaks!
            Repository repository = result.getRepository();

            try (Git git = new Git(repository)) {

                // create the file
                Path path = Paths.get(String.format("%s/%s", localPath.getPath(), "someFileName"));
                byte[] strToBytes = fileContents.getBytes();
                Files.write(path, strToBytes);

                // add the file to the repo

                // commit the changes
                String commit_message = String
                        .format("[%s] Calico yaml file(s) generated by Astra Calico policy adaptor.", GIT_USER);


                log.info("Committed file to repository at " + REMOTE_GIT_URL);

                // push the commits
                Iterable<PushResult> pushResults = git.push()
                        .setCredentialsProvider(new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider(GIT_USER, GIT_PASSWORD)).call();

                pushResults.forEach(pushResult -> log.info(pushResult.getMessages()));

        } finally {
            // delete temp directory on disk



我的测试。它正在通过,但我认为被嘲笑的 gitService.gitpush() 方法正在将文件推送到 github.

public class ApplicationControllerTest {

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    GitService gitService;

    //System under test
    ApplicationController applicationController;

    public void setup() {
        mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(applicationController).build();

    public void controllerShouldReturnStatus200Ok() throws Exception {




    public void someTest() {


我怎样才能完全不调用 .gitPush() 方法?我只是错误地模拟了服务吗?

  1. 将 @Before 注释添加到您的设置方法
  2. 将此添加到您的之前方法 MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this)。
