Visual Studio 扩展 - 如何在 SolutionFolder 中创建 SolutionFolder?

Visual Studio Extensions - How to create a SolutionFolder inside a SolutionFolder?

据我所知here无法在 SolutionFolder 中添加 SolutionFolder:

Visual Studio 2005 and higher allows you to add folders to the solution (which are called solution folders), not only to add folders to a project (something that was already allowed by Visual Studio .NET 2002). Solution folders can be nested, and a folder that belongs to the solution (a root solution folder) is modeled as an EnvDTE.Project, so to add a child solution folder to a root solution folder you have to use the EnvDTE.Project.ProjectItems.AddFolder method. However, this method causes a NotImplementedException.

我现在正在尝试做同样的事情 - 在撰写该博文 7 年后,在 Visual Studio 2017 版本 15.8.4 - 不幸的是,我在尝试此操作时得到了相同的 NotImplementedException。

是否有任何其他可能的方法从 Visual Studio 扩展创建这样的子解决方案文件夹?

Visual Studio Extensions - How to create a SolutionFolder inside a SolutionFolder?

这里是关于如何从选定文件夹创建解决方案文件夹的扩展,还包括该选定文件夹中的文件:Folder To Solution Folder

Remove the hassle of adding several files to solution folder. Just use the context menu for the solution and just below the option of creating a new solution folder you now find 'Add Folder as Solution Folder'. This will create a solution folder with the same name as you selected and add the items inside of that folder to the solution folder. This will not move the files on disk.



所以,看起来诀窍是获取要在其中创建子文件夹的 SolutionFolder 作为 EnvDTE.Project,然后获取其 Object 属性 并将其转换为 SolutionFolder.

这将为您提供一个对象,您可以在该对象上使用文件夹名称调用 "AddSolutionFolder"。

using EnvDTE;
using EnvDTE80;

Solution2 solution = (Solution2)dte.Solution;

// Adds a SolutionFolder (in the standard way) underneath the Solution and returns
// a Project. That Project object is the same as what you would get when going
// over your solution with solution.Projects and getting the folder you need
Project solutionFolderAsProject = solution.AddSolutionFolder(folder.Name);

SolutionFolder solutionFolderAsSolutionFolder = (SolutionFolder)solutionFolderAsProject.Object;

Project subSolutionFolder = solutionFolderAsSolutionFolder.AddSolutionFolder(item.Name);