在 OSX 中展平文件结构时自动覆盖

Auto overwrite when flattening file structure in OSX

我正在尝试平展 OSX 中包含许多重复文件的目录。


find /directory -mindepth 2 -type f -exec mv -i '{}' /directory ';'


overwrite /directory/file.xml? (y/n [n]) 
not overwritten

有人可以帮我设置标志以自动接受 yes/no 吗?


对于 mv 命令

,您应该使用选项 -f 而不是 -i
find /directory -mindepth 2 -type f -exec mv -f '{}' /directory ';'


 -f      Do not prompt for confirmation before overwriting the destination path.  (The -f option overrides any
         previous -i or -n options.)

 -i      Cause mv to write a prompt to standard error before moving a file that would overwrite an existing file.
         If the response from the standard input begins with the character `y' or `Y', the move is attempted.
         (The -i option overrides any previous -f or -n options.)