
Aggregating a set of results for each set of data



short        nation     Students
   A           A           604
   A        Austria       6707
   A       Österreich     3400
   AFG        Afg           18
   AFG    Afghanistan     1991
   AGL       Angola         16
   AGN      Guinea           2
   AL         Al             5
   AL       Albanien        61
   ARM        Arm            6
   ARM      Armenien        87

如您所见,计算每个国家/地区的学生总数可以得出 2 或 3 个结果。所以很明显,我想到了这个问题,如果可以计算每个短文本分组的总和,如下所示


short        nation     Students
   A           A           604
   A        Austria       6707
   A       Österreich     3400
   A                     10711 
   AFG        Afg           18
   AFG    Afghanistan     1991
   AFG                    2009
   AGL       Angola         16
   AGN      Guinea           2
   AL         Al             5
   AL       Albanien        61
   AL                       66
   ARM        Arm            6
   ARM      Armenien        87
   ARM                      93


第 1 部分

with natctf as (
SELECT  short, 
        cast(Studentcount as varchar(6)) as Studentcount
        FROM (
                SELECT  ctf.shorttext as short, ctf.longtext as nation,
                                count(distinct s.studentid) as Studentcount
                from students s
                    join pupil p on p.id = s.pupilid
                    join pupilnation pn on pn.pupilid = p.id
                    join country ctf on ctf.id = pn.coutnryid

                Group by ctf.shorttext,ctf.longtext
                Order by ctf.shorttext
) t )

第 2 部分

SELECT short, initcap(nation), Studentcount
FROM natctf

SELECT null as short, 
       cast(count(nation) as varchar(3)) ||' Nations', 
       cast(SUM(cast(Studentcount as bigint)) as varchar(10)) ||' Students'
FROM natctf

UNION ALL 一个查询,其中 GROUP BY 短名称和长名称,另一个查询仅按短名称分组。

SELECT x.short,
       FROM (SELECT ctf.shorttext short,
                    ctf.longtext nation,
                    count(DISTINCT s.studentid) studentcount
                    FROM students s
                         INNER JOIN pupil p
                                    ON p.id = s.pupilid
                         INNER JOIN pupilnation pn
                                    ON pn.pupilid = p.id
                         INNER JOIN country ctf
                                    ON ctf.id = pn.coutnryid
                    GROUP BY ctf.shorttext,
             UNION ALL
             SELECT ctf.shorttext short,
                    NULL nation,
                    count(DISTINCT s.studentid) studentcount
                    FROM students s
                         INNER JOIN pupil p
                                    ON p.id = s.pupilid
                         INNER JOIN pupilnation pn
                                    ON pn.pupilid = p.id
                         INNER JOIN country ctf
                                    ON ctf.id = pn.coutnryid
                    GROUP BY ctf.shorttext) x
      ORDER BY x.short,
               x.nation NULLS LAST;


最好的解决方案是使用分组集,这是一个 SQL 标准功能,非常适合您的用例:

SELECT ctf.shorttext as short,
       ctf.longtext as nation,
FROM country AS ctf JOIN ...
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((ctf.shorttext, ctf.longtext), (ctf.shorttext))
ORDER BY ctf.shorttext, ctf.longtext

免责声明:这是PostgreSQL 9.0-9.4版本的解决方案。对于 Postgres 9.5 或更高版本,我会使用 @LaurenzAlbe


demo: db<>fiddle

WITH count_nations AS (                                               -- A
        sum(students) OVER (PARTITION BY short) as total              -- B
    FROM nations
SELECT short, name, students FROM count_nations                       -- C            
UNION                                                                 -- E
SELECT short, NULL, total FROM count_nations                          -- D

    name NULLS LAST,                                                  -- F

答:WITH 子句使查询更具可读性,因为您不需要两次编写相同的子查询。

B:window 函数 (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/tutorial-window.html) SUM 对给定帧(这里是 short 列)中的所有值求和。所以你得到的国家总数作为单独的列。


short     name          students   total
A         A             604        10711
A         Austria       6707       10711
A         Österreich    3400       10711
AFG       Afg           18         2009
AFG       Afghanistan   1991       2009
AGL       Angola        16         16
AGN       Guinea        2          2
AL        Al            5          66
AL        Albanien      61         66
ARM       Arm           6          93
ARM       Armenien      87         93


D: 正在选择没有名称的新列...

E: UNION 两种结果。 UNION 使结果不同,因此每个国家只能得到一行。 (UNION ALL 不会做 distinct)

F: 排序结果。对于国家行,NULL 值应该是最后一个。


short   name          students
A       A             604
A       Austria       6707
A       Österreich    3400
A                     10711
AFG     Afg           18
AFG     Afghanistan   1991
AFG                   2009
AGL     Angola        16
AGL                   16
AGN     Guinea        2
AGN                   2
AL      Al            5
AL      Albanien      61
AL                    66
ARM     Arm           6
ARM     Armenien      87
ARM                   93

在您的示例中,您仅为那些有多于一行的国家添加了额外的行。例如,对于 AGN,您不添加该行。如果这是您的意图,上面链接的 db<>fiddle 会向您显示解决方案:

  1. 将每个 window 帧的行计数器添加到 WITH 子句中
  2. 为所有 row_count > 1
  3. 的国家过滤 UNION 子查询