使用 Vapor3 将多条记录插入数据库

Insert multiple records into database with Vapor3

我希望能够在 Vapor 3 中向 nosql 数据库批量添加记录。


struct Country: Content {

   let countryName: String
   let timezone: String
   let defaultPickupLocation: String


所以我正在尝试传递 JSON 个对象的数组,但我不确定如何构建路由,也不知道如何访问数组来解码每个对象。


    let countryGroup = router.grouped("api/country")

    countryGroup.post([Country.self], at:"bulk", use: bulkAddCountries)


 func bulkAddCountries(req: Request, countries:[Country]) throws ->  Future<String> {
    for country in countries{
    return try req.content.decode(Country.self).map(to: String.self) { countries in

        //creates a JSON encoder to encode the JSON data
        let encoder = JSONEncoder()
        let countryData:Data
            countryData = try encoder.encode(country) // encode the data
        } catch {
            return "Error. Data in the wrong format."
        // code to save data


我不确定您打算使用哪个 NoSQL 数据库,但 MongoKitten 5 和 Meow 2.0 的当前测试版让这变得非常简单。

请注意,在我们首先推出稳定版 API 时,我们还没有为这两个库编写文档。以下代码大致是您使用 MongoKitten 5 所需要的:

// Register MongoKitten to Vapor's Services
services.register(Future<MongoKitten.Database>.self) { container in
    return try MongoKitten.Database.connect(settings: ConnectionSettings("mongodb://localhost/my-db"), on: container.eventLoop)

// Globally, add this so that the above code can register MongoKitten to Vapor's Services
extension Future: Service where T == MongoKitten.Database {}

// An adaptation of your function
func bulkAddCountries(req: Request, countries:[Country]) throws ->  Future<Response> {
    // Get a handle to MongoDB
    let database = req.make(Future<MongoKitten.Database>.self)

    // Make a `Document` for each Country
    let documents = try countries.map { country in
        return try BSONEncoder().encode(country)

    // Insert the countries to the "countries" MongoDB collection
    return database["countries"].insert(documents: documents).map { success in
        return // Return a successful response

我有类似的需求,想分享我的 Vapor 批量处理解决方案 3. 我希望有另一位经验丰富的开发人员帮助完善我的解决方案。


首先,路由器 没有什么特别之处。在这里,我正在处理 POST 到 items/batch 的 JSON 项数组。

router.post("items", "batch", use: itemsController.handleBatch)


func createBatch(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<HTTPStatus> {
    // Decode request to [Item]
    return try req.content.decode([Item].self)
        // flatMap will collapse Future<Future<HTTPStatus>> to [Future<HTTPStatus>]
        .flatMap(to: HTTPStatus.self) { items in
        // Handle each item as 'itm'. Transforming itm to Future<HTTPStatus>
        return items.map { itm -> Future<HTTPStatus> in
            // Process itm. Here, I save, producing a Future<Item> called savedItem
            let savedItem = itm.save(on: req)
            // transform the Future<Item> to Future<HTTPStatus>
            return savedItem.transform(to: HTTPStatus.ok)
        // flatten() : “Flattens an array of futures into a future with an array of results”
        // e.g. [Future<HTTPStatus>] -> Future<[HTTPStatus]>
        .flatten(on: req)
        // transform() : Maps the current future to contain the new type. Errors are carried over, successful (expected) results are transformed into the given instance.
        // e.g. Future<[.ok]> -> Future<.ok>
        .transform(to: HTTPStatus.ok)