AWS Kinesis write throughput没有数据,但是incoming request有数据

AWS Kinesis write throughput has no data, but there are data in total incoming request

您好,我正在使用 Kinesis 处理数据流。

我可以成功地向 Kinesis 发送数据并从 Kinesis 中提取数据,一切都很好。

然而,当我检查 Kinesis 的 "monitoring" 时,我没有看到写入吞吐量的数据,但是有总传入请求的数据(在附加的屏幕截图中)。既然能成功从Kinesis中拉取数据,我想肯定是有写吞吐量的,怎么监控没有写吞吐量呢?

或者我误解了术语 "write throughput" 和 "incoming request"?


我得到了 Amazon Kinesis 的 Ryan 的回答:

Hi keypointt,

This is a known bug in a console. PutRecords throughput is not showing up correctly in the Write Throughput graph. We are actively addressing this issue.

In the meantime, you can navigate to the CloudWatch console and view the correct metric "IncomingBytes".

Apologies to the inconvenience this has caused.
