C #error 宏可以显示多行消息吗?

Can a C #error macro display multiple line message?

我尝试像这样在 GCC 编译器中使用 #error 指令:

#error "The charging pins aren't differing! One pin cannot be used for multiple purposes!"

This 说,我应该使用双引号,这样参数将是一个字符串常量,我可以在其中使用撇号。但是,我希望这个字符串以多行的形式出现在源代码中,例如:

#error "The charging pins aren't differing! 
    One pin cannot be used for multiple purposes!"


warning: missing terminating " character
#error "The charging pins aren't differing! One pin

error: missing terminating " character
cannot be used for multiple purposes!"

如果我在第一行末尾插入一个黑斜杠,诊断消息将包含第二行开头和第一个单词 (One) 之间的所有空格 b。如果两行都是字符串,则诊断消息会显示内部双引号。

所以问题是:我怎样才能实现这个输出? (或类似的没有双引号,但包括撇号)

#error "The charging pins aren't differing! One pin cannot be used for multiple purposes!"


  • 要么您必须去掉撇号,以便消息仅包含被视为有效的预处理标记。
  • 或者您可以将其作为字符串写在一行中。
  • 或者你可以写两个字符串文字并用 \ 换行。您不能在字符串文字中间执行此操作,因为那样它就不是有效的预处理标记。这会使输出看起来很奇怪,例如:error: "hello" "world".
  • 依靠两个字符串文字的预处理器连接是行不通的,因为错误指令只会查找,直到它在源代码中发现换行符。无论如何,错误指令都会将您键入的所有内容转换为字符串。

相关翻译阶段(来自 C17按以下顺序执行:

2) Each instance of a backslash character () immediately followed by a new-line character is deleted, splicing physical source lines to form logical source lines.

3) The source file is decomposed into preprocessing tokens and sequences of white-space characters (including comments).

4) Preprocessing directives are executed, ...

6) Adjacent string literal tokens are concatenated.

#error 在第 4 步中执行,早于第 6 步中的字符串文字连接。


#error The charging pins are not differing! \
       One pin cannot be used for multiple purposes!



Neither ‘#error’ nor ‘#warning’ macro-expands its argument. Internal whitespace sequences are each replaced with a single space. The line must consist of complete tokens. It is wisest to make the argument of these directives be a single string constant; this avoids problems with apostrophes and the like.


#include <stdio.h>
//#define var 10
#ifdef var
#error "The charging pins aren't differing! One pin cannot be used for multiple purposes!"
int main(void){
  printf("in  main() \n");
  return 0;