在 Vaadin 8 中调用没有活页夹和 bean 的验证用户反馈
Invoke validation user-feedback without binder & bean in Vaadin 8
在 Vaadin 8 中,内置验证功能是通过 Binder
hooked up to a bean, as discussed in the Manual and as 建立的。我理解它是如何工作的,而且效果很好,我感谢 Vaadin 团队在那里的思考和努力。
但是……我只想要一个简单的快速数据输入字段,只接受 -1、0 和 1 作为值。我喜欢 Vaadin 验证的功能,即通过将 field/caption 标记为爆炸和红色等来拒绝错误输入。
➥ 有没有什么方法可以调用对用户的验证式反馈,而无需定义 bean 和建立绑定器的所有复杂麻烦?
Vaadin 8
使用 Vaadin 8 进行单字段验证的最佳替代方法是与字段的 ValueChangeListener
AbstractComponent::setComponentError(ErrorMessage componentError)
注意,但是在 Vaadin 8 字段中 components do have setComponentError(..)
方法。通过调用此方法,您使用 ValueChangeListener
by setComponentError(…)
请参阅手册的 Handling Errors 页。
button.setComponentError( new UserError( "Bad click" ) ) ;
Vaadin 7
正确,解决了问题。解决方案是调用 AbstractComponent::setComponentError
这是一个完整的 Vaadin 8.5.2 小应用程序,用于演示此操作。
此应用程序有两个小部件,一个 TextField
和一个 Button
这是该应用程序的完整 .java
package com.basilbourque.example;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
import com.vaadin.annotations.Theme;
import com.vaadin.annotations.VaadinServletConfiguration;
import com.vaadin.server.UserError;
import com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest;
import com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet;
import com.vaadin.ui.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* This UI is the application entry point. A UI may either represent a browser window
* (or tab) or some part of an HTML page where a Vaadin application is embedded.
* <p>
* The UI is initialized using {@link #init(VaadinRequest)}. This method is intended to be
* overridden to add component to the user interface and initialize non-component functionality.
@Theme ( "mytheme" )
public class MyUI extends UI {
protected void init ( VaadinRequest vaadinRequest ) {
// TextField allows only 'dog' or 'cat' as values.
Set< String > animals = Set.of( "dog" , "cat" );
TextField dogOrCat = new TextField();
dogOrCat.setCaption( "Type dog or cat:" );
dogOrCat.addValueChangeListener( valueChangeEvent -> {
if ( animals.contains( dogOrCat.getValue() ) ) {
dogOrCat.setComponentError( null );
} else {
dogOrCat.setComponentError( new UserError( "Oops! You typed something other than 'dog' or 'cat'." ) );
} );
// Button which is deemed to be in good condition or erroneous condition by a radio buttons pair.
Button button = new Button( "Example" );
button.addClickListener( e -> {
Notification.show( "This button does nothing." , Notification.Type.HUMANIZED_MESSAGE );
} );
// Radio-buttons, to control the good or error condition of button above.
List< String > radioItems = List.of( "No error" , "Error" );
RadioButtonGroup< String > radios =
new RadioButtonGroup<>( "Make button:" );
radios.setItems( radioItems );
radios.setValue( radioItems.get( 0 ) ); // Set 1st item by default (index counting = 0).
radios.addValueChangeListener( valueChangeEvent -> {
if ( radios.getValue().equals( radioItems.get( 1 ) ) ) { // Index-counting, so `1` = 2nd list item "Error".
button.setComponentError( new UserError( "Bad button" ) );
} else {
button.setComponentError( null );
} );
// Arrange
final VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
layout.addComponents( dogOrCat , button , radios );
setContent( layout );
@WebServlet ( urlPatterns = "/*", name = "MyUIServlet", asyncSupported = true )
@VaadinServletConfiguration ( ui = MyUI.class, productionMode = false )
public static class MyUIServlet extends VaadinServlet {
顺便说一句,这是我的 POM (pom.xml) 文件更新为 Java 10 和各种库的最新版本。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<!-- If there are no local customizations, this can also be "fetch" or "cdn" -->
<!-- Exclude an unnecessary file generated by the GWT compiler. -->
<!-- Comment out compile-theme goal to use on-the-fly theme compilation -->
<!-- Clean up also any pre-compiled themes -->
<!-- The Jetty plugin allows us to easily test the development build by
running jetty:run on the command line. -->
<!-- Vaadin pre-release repositories -->
在 Vaadin 8 中,内置验证功能是通过 Binder
hooked up to a bean, as discussed in the Manual and as
但是……我只想要一个简单的快速数据输入字段,只接受 -1、0 和 1 作为值。我喜欢 Vaadin 验证的功能,即通过将 field/caption 标记为爆炸和红色等来拒绝错误输入。
➥ 有没有什么方法可以调用对用户的验证式反馈,而无需定义 bean 和建立绑定器的所有复杂麻烦?
Vaadin 8
使用 Vaadin 8 进行单字段验证的最佳替代方法是与字段的 ValueChangeListener
AbstractComponent::setComponentError(ErrorMessage componentError)
注意,但是在 Vaadin 8 字段中 components do have setComponentError(..)
方法。通过调用此方法,您使用 ValueChangeListener
by setComponentError(…)
请参阅手册的 Handling Errors 页。
button.setComponentError( new UserError( "Bad click" ) ) ;
Vaadin 7
这是一个完整的 Vaadin 8.5.2 小应用程序,用于演示此操作。
此应用程序有两个小部件,一个 TextField
和一个 Button
这是该应用程序的完整 .java
package com.basilbourque.example;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
import com.vaadin.annotations.Theme;
import com.vaadin.annotations.VaadinServletConfiguration;
import com.vaadin.server.UserError;
import com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest;
import com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet;
import com.vaadin.ui.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* This UI is the application entry point. A UI may either represent a browser window
* (or tab) or some part of an HTML page where a Vaadin application is embedded.
* <p>
* The UI is initialized using {@link #init(VaadinRequest)}. This method is intended to be
* overridden to add component to the user interface and initialize non-component functionality.
@Theme ( "mytheme" )
public class MyUI extends UI {
protected void init ( VaadinRequest vaadinRequest ) {
// TextField allows only 'dog' or 'cat' as values.
Set< String > animals = Set.of( "dog" , "cat" );
TextField dogOrCat = new TextField();
dogOrCat.setCaption( "Type dog or cat:" );
dogOrCat.addValueChangeListener( valueChangeEvent -> {
if ( animals.contains( dogOrCat.getValue() ) ) {
dogOrCat.setComponentError( null );
} else {
dogOrCat.setComponentError( new UserError( "Oops! You typed something other than 'dog' or 'cat'." ) );
} );
// Button which is deemed to be in good condition or erroneous condition by a radio buttons pair.
Button button = new Button( "Example" );
button.addClickListener( e -> {
Notification.show( "This button does nothing." , Notification.Type.HUMANIZED_MESSAGE );
} );
// Radio-buttons, to control the good or error condition of button above.
List< String > radioItems = List.of( "No error" , "Error" );
RadioButtonGroup< String > radios =
new RadioButtonGroup<>( "Make button:" );
radios.setItems( radioItems );
radios.setValue( radioItems.get( 0 ) ); // Set 1st item by default (index counting = 0).
radios.addValueChangeListener( valueChangeEvent -> {
if ( radios.getValue().equals( radioItems.get( 1 ) ) ) { // Index-counting, so `1` = 2nd list item "Error".
button.setComponentError( new UserError( "Bad button" ) );
} else {
button.setComponentError( null );
} );
// Arrange
final VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
layout.addComponents( dogOrCat , button , radios );
setContent( layout );
@WebServlet ( urlPatterns = "/*", name = "MyUIServlet", asyncSupported = true )
@VaadinServletConfiguration ( ui = MyUI.class, productionMode = false )
public static class MyUIServlet extends VaadinServlet {
顺便说一句,这是我的 POM (pom.xml) 文件更新为 Java 10 和各种库的最新版本。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<!-- If there are no local customizations, this can also be "fetch" or "cdn" -->
<!-- Exclude an unnecessary file generated by the GWT compiler. -->
<!-- Comment out compile-theme goal to use on-the-fly theme compilation -->
<!-- Clean up also any pre-compiled themes -->
<!-- The Jetty plugin allows us to easily test the development build by
running jetty:run on the command line. -->
<!-- Vaadin pre-release repositories -->