Runtime exec如何在不使用waitfor()的情况下确定进程何时终止?

Runtime exec how to determine when the process terminates without using waitfor()?

我正在 运行 宁一个 shell 命令需要相当长的时间来执行,命令 运行 没有问题,但我无法让进程中止一次开始了。我正在使用 AsyncTask class 到 运行 命令来避免阻塞主线程,代码如下:

private class Worker extends AsyncTask <String, Integer, Integer>
    protected Integer doInBackground (String... args)
        Process proc = runtime.getRuntime.exec ("some long process...");
        while (/*process still running*/)
            if (isCancellled()) proc.destroy();
        return proc.exitValue();

Worker w = new Worker();
w.cancel (true); // abort

如何在不阻塞 AsyncTask 线程的情况下确定进程何时完成?我如何捕获 AsyncTask 取消信号并中止进程?

我找到了一个在启动后中止运行时进程的简单解决方案,我只是在 AsyncTask class 中添加了对该进程的引用,当我需要中止 shell 命令时,我会在进程上调用 destroy 方法,它将终止:

private class Worker extends AsyncTask <String, Integer, Integer>
    private Process proc;

    protected Integer doInBackground (String... args)
            this.proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec (command);
            InputStream out = this.proc.getInputStream();
            out.skip (out.available());
            InputStream err = this.proc.getErrorStream();
            err.skip (err.available());
        catch (InterruptedException ex)
            Log.i ("runCommand", "Interruped Exception");
            return -1;
        catch (IOException ex)
            return -1;
        return proc.exitValue();

    public void abort()
        if (this.proc != null) this.proc.destroy();

Worker w = new Worker();
w.abort(); // Terminates the process