Echarts4r : Create stacked area chart with percentage from total in tooltip
我需要使用 echarts4r
制作堆积面积图。尽管 javascript 上有很好的示例,但我找不到如何使用 R 制作堆叠面积图的解决方案。
理想情况下,还需要将工具提示添加到图表中,其中包含总数的百分比,如我使用 highcharter
dt <- data.frame(a =1:10,
x = rnorm(10, mean = 20, sd = 5),
y = rnorm(10, mean = 20, sd = 5),
z = rnorm(10, mean = 10, sd = 5))
echarts <- dt %>%
e_charts(a) %>%
e_area(x, stack = "stack", origin = 'start') %>%
e_area(y, stack = "stack", origin = 'start') %>%
e_area(z, stack = "stack", origin = 'start') %>%
e_grid(left = '4%', right = '3%', bottom = '10%', containLabel = true) %>%
e_tooltip(trigger = "axis", axisPointer = list(type = 'cross')) %>%
e_toolbox(left = 'right', itemSize = 15, top = 22) %>%
e_toolbox_feature("saveAsImage", title = 'save as image') %>%
e_toolbox_feature("dataZoom", title = list(zoom = "zoom", back = "back")) %>%
e_toolbox_feature("restore", title = 'restore') %>%
e_theme("infographic") %>%
e_legend(type = 'scroll', bottom = 1)
highchart <- highchart() %>%
hc_xAxis(categories = dt$a) %>%
hc_add_series(data = dt$x, name = 'x') %>%
hc_add_series(data = dt$y, name = 'y') %>%
hc_add_series(data = dt$z, name = 'z') %>%
hc_chart(type = "area") %>%
hc_plotOptions(area = list(stacking = "normal", lineColor = "#ffffff",
lineWidth = 1, marker = list( lineWidth = 1,
lineColor = "#ffffff"))) %>%
hc_legend(reversed = FALSE) %>%
hc_tooltip(crosshairs = TRUE, backgroundColor = "#FCFFC5", shared = TRUE, borderWidth = 5,
pointFormat = "<span style=\"color:{series.color}\">{}</span>:
<b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b> ({point.y:,.0f} users)<br/>")
dt %>%
e_charts(a) %>%
e_area(x, stack = "stack", origin = 'start') %>%
e_area(y, stack = "stack", origin = 'start') %>%
e_area(z, stack = "stack", origin = 'start') %>%
e_grid(left = '4%', right = '3%', bottom = '10%', containLabel = TRUE) %>%
e_toolbox(left = 'right', itemSize = 15, top = 22) %>%
e_toolbox_feature("saveAsImage", title = 'save as image') %>%
e_toolbox_feature("dataZoom", title = list(zoom = "zoom", back = "back")) %>%
e_toolbox_feature("restore", title = 'restore') %>%
e_theme("infographic") %>%
e_legend(type = 'scroll', bottom = 1) %>%
e_tooltip( trigger ="axis",
formatter = htmlwidgets::JS("
var tot = params[0].name + params[1].value[0] + params[2].value[0]
function perc(x){return(Math.round((x/tot) * 100))};
return('x: ' + params[0].value[1] + ' (' + perc(params[0].value[1]) + '%)' + '<br>' + 'y:' + params[1].value[1] + ' (' + perc(params[1].value[1]) + '%)' + '<br>' + 'z:' + params[2].value[1] + ' (' + perc(params[2].value[1]) + '%)')
有关工具提示的更多信息 on the website。
编辑 感谢您的评论,抱歉我省略了部分问题。出于某种原因,一个我不知道的原因,堆叠仅适用于分类 x 轴。以下是到达那里的两种选择:
# options one use character or vector.
dt %>%
dplyr::mutate(a = as.character(a)) %>%
e_charts(a) %>%
e_area(x, stack = "stack") %>%
e_area(y, stack = "stack") %>%
e_area(z, stack = "stack") %>%
e_grid(left = '4%', right = '3%', bottom = '10%') %>%
e_toolbox(left = 'right', itemSize = 15, top = 22) %>%
e_toolbox_feature("saveAsImage", title = 'save as image') %>%
e_toolbox_feature("restore", title = 'restore') %>%
e_theme("infographic") %>%
e_legend(bottom = 1) %>%
e_tooltip( trigger ="axis",
formatter = htmlwidgets::JS("
var tot = params[0].name + params[1].value[0] + params[2].value[0]
function perc(x){return(Math.round((x/tot) * 100))};
return('x: ' + params[0].value[1] + ' (' + perc(params[0].value[1]) + '%)' + '<br>' + 'y:' + params[1].value[1] + ' (' + perc(params[1].value[1]) + '%)' + '<br>' + 'z:' + params[2].value[1] + ' (' + perc(params[2].value[1]) + '%)')
# option 2
# Use e_x_axis to change the axis type
dt %>%
e_charts(a) %>%
e_area(x, stack = "stack") %>%
e_area(y, stack = "stack") %>%
e_area(z, stack = "stack") %>%
e_grid(left = '4%', right = '3%', bottom = '10%') %>%
e_toolbox(left = 'right', itemSize = 15, top = 22) %>%
e_toolbox_feature("saveAsImage", title = 'save as image') %>%
e_toolbox_feature("restore", title = 'restore') %>%
e_theme("infographic") %>%
e_legend(bottom = 1) %>%
e_tooltip( trigger ="axis",
formatter = htmlwidgets::JS("
var tot = params[0].name + params[1].value[0] + params[2].value[0]
function perc(x){return(Math.round((x/tot) * 100))};
return('x: ' + params[0].value[1] + ' (' + perc(params[0].value[1]) + '%)' + '<br>' + 'y:' + params[1].value[1] + ' (' + perc(params[1].value[1]) + '%)' + '<br>' + 'z:' + params[2].value[1] + ' (' + perc(params[2].value[1]) + '%)')
) %>%
e_x_axis(type = "category")
我需要使用 echarts4r
制作堆积面积图。尽管 javascript 上有很好的示例,但我找不到如何使用 R 制作堆叠面积图的解决方案。
理想情况下,还需要将工具提示添加到图表中,其中包含总数的百分比,如我使用 highcharter
dt <- data.frame(a =1:10,
x = rnorm(10, mean = 20, sd = 5),
y = rnorm(10, mean = 20, sd = 5),
z = rnorm(10, mean = 10, sd = 5))
echarts <- dt %>%
e_charts(a) %>%
e_area(x, stack = "stack", origin = 'start') %>%
e_area(y, stack = "stack", origin = 'start') %>%
e_area(z, stack = "stack", origin = 'start') %>%
e_grid(left = '4%', right = '3%', bottom = '10%', containLabel = true) %>%
e_tooltip(trigger = "axis", axisPointer = list(type = 'cross')) %>%
e_toolbox(left = 'right', itemSize = 15, top = 22) %>%
e_toolbox_feature("saveAsImage", title = 'save as image') %>%
e_toolbox_feature("dataZoom", title = list(zoom = "zoom", back = "back")) %>%
e_toolbox_feature("restore", title = 'restore') %>%
e_theme("infographic") %>%
e_legend(type = 'scroll', bottom = 1)
highchart <- highchart() %>%
hc_xAxis(categories = dt$a) %>%
hc_add_series(data = dt$x, name = 'x') %>%
hc_add_series(data = dt$y, name = 'y') %>%
hc_add_series(data = dt$z, name = 'z') %>%
hc_chart(type = "area") %>%
hc_plotOptions(area = list(stacking = "normal", lineColor = "#ffffff",
lineWidth = 1, marker = list( lineWidth = 1,
lineColor = "#ffffff"))) %>%
hc_legend(reversed = FALSE) %>%
hc_tooltip(crosshairs = TRUE, backgroundColor = "#FCFFC5", shared = TRUE, borderWidth = 5,
pointFormat = "<span style=\"color:{series.color}\">{}</span>:
<b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b> ({point.y:,.0f} users)<br/>")
dt %>%
e_charts(a) %>%
e_area(x, stack = "stack", origin = 'start') %>%
e_area(y, stack = "stack", origin = 'start') %>%
e_area(z, stack = "stack", origin = 'start') %>%
e_grid(left = '4%', right = '3%', bottom = '10%', containLabel = TRUE) %>%
e_toolbox(left = 'right', itemSize = 15, top = 22) %>%
e_toolbox_feature("saveAsImage", title = 'save as image') %>%
e_toolbox_feature("dataZoom", title = list(zoom = "zoom", back = "back")) %>%
e_toolbox_feature("restore", title = 'restore') %>%
e_theme("infographic") %>%
e_legend(type = 'scroll', bottom = 1) %>%
e_tooltip( trigger ="axis",
formatter = htmlwidgets::JS("
var tot = params[0].name + params[1].value[0] + params[2].value[0]
function perc(x){return(Math.round((x/tot) * 100))};
return('x: ' + params[0].value[1] + ' (' + perc(params[0].value[1]) + '%)' + '<br>' + 'y:' + params[1].value[1] + ' (' + perc(params[1].value[1]) + '%)' + '<br>' + 'z:' + params[2].value[1] + ' (' + perc(params[2].value[1]) + '%)')
有关工具提示的更多信息 on the website。
编辑 感谢您的评论,抱歉我省略了部分问题。出于某种原因,一个我不知道的原因,堆叠仅适用于分类 x 轴。以下是到达那里的两种选择:
# options one use character or vector.
dt %>%
dplyr::mutate(a = as.character(a)) %>%
e_charts(a) %>%
e_area(x, stack = "stack") %>%
e_area(y, stack = "stack") %>%
e_area(z, stack = "stack") %>%
e_grid(left = '4%', right = '3%', bottom = '10%') %>%
e_toolbox(left = 'right', itemSize = 15, top = 22) %>%
e_toolbox_feature("saveAsImage", title = 'save as image') %>%
e_toolbox_feature("restore", title = 'restore') %>%
e_theme("infographic") %>%
e_legend(bottom = 1) %>%
e_tooltip( trigger ="axis",
formatter = htmlwidgets::JS("
var tot = params[0].name + params[1].value[0] + params[2].value[0]
function perc(x){return(Math.round((x/tot) * 100))};
return('x: ' + params[0].value[1] + ' (' + perc(params[0].value[1]) + '%)' + '<br>' + 'y:' + params[1].value[1] + ' (' + perc(params[1].value[1]) + '%)' + '<br>' + 'z:' + params[2].value[1] + ' (' + perc(params[2].value[1]) + '%)')
# option 2
# Use e_x_axis to change the axis type
dt %>%
e_charts(a) %>%
e_area(x, stack = "stack") %>%
e_area(y, stack = "stack") %>%
e_area(z, stack = "stack") %>%
e_grid(left = '4%', right = '3%', bottom = '10%') %>%
e_toolbox(left = 'right', itemSize = 15, top = 22) %>%
e_toolbox_feature("saveAsImage", title = 'save as image') %>%
e_toolbox_feature("restore", title = 'restore') %>%
e_theme("infographic") %>%
e_legend(bottom = 1) %>%
e_tooltip( trigger ="axis",
formatter = htmlwidgets::JS("
var tot = params[0].name + params[1].value[0] + params[2].value[0]
function perc(x){return(Math.round((x/tot) * 100))};
return('x: ' + params[0].value[1] + ' (' + perc(params[0].value[1]) + '%)' + '<br>' + 'y:' + params[1].value[1] + ' (' + perc(params[1].value[1]) + '%)' + '<br>' + 'z:' + params[2].value[1] + ' (' + perc(params[2].value[1]) + '%)')
) %>%
e_x_axis(type = "category")