Clojure 上的 React-native - 通过 id 和 scrollTo 获取 ScrollView 内的视图
React-native on Clojure - Get the ScrollView by id and scrollTo a view inside the ScrollView
我有一张带有标记列表的地图。我在地图下方的 ScrollView 中还有一个视图列表(包含标记项目的详细信息)。
当我点击地图内的标记时,我需要向下滚动到 ScrollView 内的特定视图。
(defn render-link [ctx art]
(let [{:keys [dimensions]} (get-dimensions)
route (current-route> ctx)
name (:name art)
photos ((:photos art))
campus ((:campus art))
thumbnail ((:thumbnail art))
art-selector (if thumbnail thumbnail (first photos))
photo-url (str "https:" (image-url (when (seq photos) (get-in art-selector [:file :url])) :1x1))]
[touchable-highlight {:key (:id art)
:on-press #(navigate-replace! (assoc route :active-id (:id art)))}
[view {:style {:width (:width dimensions)
:background-color (:lightest-gray colors)
:height 60
:flex-direction "row"
:justify-content "center"
:flex-wrap "nowrap"
:border-bottom-width 1
:border-bottom-color (:semi-gray colors)}}
[image {:source {:uri photo-url}
:resize-mode "cover"
:style {:width 60}}]
(if (= (:id art) (:active-id route))
[view {:style {:width 4
:border-left-width 4
:border-left-color (:red colors)}}]
[view {:style {:width 4
:border-left-width 4
:border-left-color (:lightest-gray colors)}}])
[view {:style {:flex 1
:align-items "center"
:flex-direction "row"
:padding-horizontal 12}}
[view {:style {:flex 1
:flex-direction "column"
:justify-content "center"}}
[text {:number-of-lines 1
:style {:color (:gray colors)
:font-size 18
:font-weight "500"}} (str/trim name)]
[text {:number-of-lines 1
:style {:color (:gray colors)}} (:name campus)]]
[view {:style {:flex-direction "row"}}
[touchable-highlight {:underlay-color "transparent"
:on-press #(navigate-go! {:key "add-to-list" :id (:id art)})}
[image {:source img-add-existing
:resize-mode "contain"
:style {:margin-horizontal 12
:width 30
:height 30}}]]
[touchable-highlight {:underlay-color "transparent"
:on-press #(navigate-go! {:key "routing" :id (:id art)})}
[image {:source img-location
:resize-mode "contain"
:style {:margin-horizontal 12
:width 30
:height 30}}]]]]]]))
(defn render [ctx]
(let [{:keys [top-padding
dimensions]} (get-dimensions)
nearby (sub> ctx :nearby-art-pieces)
route (current-route> ctx)
list-is-expanded? (r/atom false)]
(fn []
[view {:style {:flex 1
:width (:width dimensions)
:margin-top top-padding}}
[(ui/component ctx :top-bar)]
(when (sub> ctx :show-map?)
[view {:style {:flex 1}}
[(ui/component ctx :map) {:style {:width (:width dimensions)
:flex 1}}
(when-let [user-location (select-keys (:coords (sub> ctx :geolocation)) [:latitude :longitude])]
[user-marker {:coordinate user-location}])
(map (fn [art]
(when-let [location (set/rename-keys (:geoLocation art) {:lat :latitude :lon :longitude})]
(if (= (:id art) (:active-id (current-route> ctx)))
[active-marker {:key (:id art)
:coordinate location}]
[marker {:key (:id art)
:coordinate location
:on-press #(navigate-replace! (assoc route
:active-id (:id art))}]))) nearby))]])
[view {:style {:height (if (= false @list-is-expanded?) 80 (+ 20 (* 60 (min (max 1 (count nearby)) 4))))
:width (:width dimensions)
:margin-bottom 60}}
[touchable-highlight {:on-press #(swap! list-is-expanded? not)}
[view {:style {:height 20
:width (:width dimensions)
:background-color (:gray colors)}}]]
[scroll-view {:id "art-list-view"}
(doall (map (fn [art]
(render-link ctx art)) nearby))]]
[(ui/component ctx :tab-bar)]
[(ui/component ctx :sidebar)]])))
在按下标记时,我需要向下滚动 ID 为 "art-list-view" 的 ScrollView。
[marker {:key (:id art)
:coordinate location
:on-press (fn []
(when-let [s @scroll-atom]
(navigate-replace! (assoc route :active-id (:id art)))
(ocall s "_component.scrollTo" #js {:x 0 :y (* index 60) :animated false})))}]
[animated-scroll-view {:id "art-list-view"
:ref #(reset! scroll-atom %)}
(doall (map (fn [art]
(render-link ctx art)) nearby))]]
我有一张带有标记列表的地图。我在地图下方的 ScrollView 中还有一个视图列表(包含标记项目的详细信息)。
当我点击地图内的标记时,我需要向下滚动到 ScrollView 内的特定视图。
(defn render-link [ctx art]
(let [{:keys [dimensions]} (get-dimensions)
route (current-route> ctx)
name (:name art)
photos ((:photos art))
campus ((:campus art))
thumbnail ((:thumbnail art))
art-selector (if thumbnail thumbnail (first photos))
photo-url (str "https:" (image-url (when (seq photos) (get-in art-selector [:file :url])) :1x1))]
[touchable-highlight {:key (:id art)
:on-press #(navigate-replace! (assoc route :active-id (:id art)))}
[view {:style {:width (:width dimensions)
:background-color (:lightest-gray colors)
:height 60
:flex-direction "row"
:justify-content "center"
:flex-wrap "nowrap"
:border-bottom-width 1
:border-bottom-color (:semi-gray colors)}}
[image {:source {:uri photo-url}
:resize-mode "cover"
:style {:width 60}}]
(if (= (:id art) (:active-id route))
[view {:style {:width 4
:border-left-width 4
:border-left-color (:red colors)}}]
[view {:style {:width 4
:border-left-width 4
:border-left-color (:lightest-gray colors)}}])
[view {:style {:flex 1
:align-items "center"
:flex-direction "row"
:padding-horizontal 12}}
[view {:style {:flex 1
:flex-direction "column"
:justify-content "center"}}
[text {:number-of-lines 1
:style {:color (:gray colors)
:font-size 18
:font-weight "500"}} (str/trim name)]
[text {:number-of-lines 1
:style {:color (:gray colors)}} (:name campus)]]
[view {:style {:flex-direction "row"}}
[touchable-highlight {:underlay-color "transparent"
:on-press #(navigate-go! {:key "add-to-list" :id (:id art)})}
[image {:source img-add-existing
:resize-mode "contain"
:style {:margin-horizontal 12
:width 30
:height 30}}]]
[touchable-highlight {:underlay-color "transparent"
:on-press #(navigate-go! {:key "routing" :id (:id art)})}
[image {:source img-location
:resize-mode "contain"
:style {:margin-horizontal 12
:width 30
:height 30}}]]]]]]))
(defn render [ctx]
(let [{:keys [top-padding
dimensions]} (get-dimensions)
nearby (sub> ctx :nearby-art-pieces)
route (current-route> ctx)
list-is-expanded? (r/atom false)]
(fn []
[view {:style {:flex 1
:width (:width dimensions)
:margin-top top-padding}}
[(ui/component ctx :top-bar)]
(when (sub> ctx :show-map?)
[view {:style {:flex 1}}
[(ui/component ctx :map) {:style {:width (:width dimensions)
:flex 1}}
(when-let [user-location (select-keys (:coords (sub> ctx :geolocation)) [:latitude :longitude])]
[user-marker {:coordinate user-location}])
(map (fn [art]
(when-let [location (set/rename-keys (:geoLocation art) {:lat :latitude :lon :longitude})]
(if (= (:id art) (:active-id (current-route> ctx)))
[active-marker {:key (:id art)
:coordinate location}]
[marker {:key (:id art)
:coordinate location
:on-press #(navigate-replace! (assoc route
:active-id (:id art))}]))) nearby))]])
[view {:style {:height (if (= false @list-is-expanded?) 80 (+ 20 (* 60 (min (max 1 (count nearby)) 4))))
:width (:width dimensions)
:margin-bottom 60}}
[touchable-highlight {:on-press #(swap! list-is-expanded? not)}
[view {:style {:height 20
:width (:width dimensions)
:background-color (:gray colors)}}]]
[scroll-view {:id "art-list-view"}
(doall (map (fn [art]
(render-link ctx art)) nearby))]]
[(ui/component ctx :tab-bar)]
[(ui/component ctx :sidebar)]])))
在按下标记时,我需要向下滚动 ID 为 "art-list-view" 的 ScrollView。
[marker {:key (:id art)
:coordinate location
:on-press (fn []
(when-let [s @scroll-atom]
(navigate-replace! (assoc route :active-id (:id art)))
(ocall s "_component.scrollTo" #js {:x 0 :y (* index 60) :animated false})))}]
[animated-scroll-view {:id "art-list-view"
:ref #(reset! scroll-atom %)}
(doall (map (fn [art]
(render-link ctx art)) nearby))]]