使用 SQL 脚本的条件 SQL 查询

Conditional SQL queries with SQL Script


      ID    | COLUMN_B| COLUMN_C
       1    |    0    |    1
       2    |    0    |    1
       3    |    0    |    1

      ID    | COLUMN_E| COLUMN_F
       1    |    Y    |    X
       2    |    Y    |    X
       3    |    Y    |    X

它们与 ID 列相互关联。我想在 TABLE1 上执行 select,仅当 COLUMN_E 上的值为 Y 时才引入 COLUMN_B 并引入 COLUMN_C。

是否可以创建一个模拟如下内容的条件: "select column_b, and select column_c IF AND ONLY IF the value on column_e from TABLE2 is Y for the same ID"?


select t1.column_b,
       (case when t2.column_e = 'Y' then t1.column_c end) as column_c
from table1 t1 left join
     table2 t2
     on t1.id = t2.id;


    select t1.COLUMN_B,
   case when t2.COLUMN_E='Y' then t1.COLUMN_C else null
end as c from table1 t1 
    left join table2 t2 on t1.id=t2.id