
Scala: passing a contravariant type as an implicit parameter does not choose the nearest supertype?

为什么下面的代码没有选择最近超类型的隐式 val?

class A
class B extends A

trait TC[-T] { def show(t: T): String }

implicit val showA = new TC[A] { def show(a: A): String = "it's A" }
implicit val showB = new TC[B] { def show(b: B): String = "it's B" }

def doit[X](x: X)(implicit tc: TC[X]): Unit = println(

doit(new A) // "it's A" as expected
doit(new B) // "it's A" ... why does this not give "it's B" ???

如果你使 TC 不变(即 trait TC[T] (...)),那么它工作正常并且 doit(new B) returns "it's B" 如预期的那样。

通过为类型 Any 添加另一个隐式,这个问题更加极端:

class A
class B extends A

trait TC[-T] { def show(t: T): String }

implicit val showA = new TC[A] { def show(a: A): String = "it's A" }
implicit val showB = new TC[B] { def show(b: B): String = "it's B" }
implicit val showAny = new TC[Any] { def show(x: Any): String = "it's Any" }

def doit[X](x: X)(implicit tc: TC[X]): Unit = println(

doit(new A) // "it's Any" ... why does this not give "it's A" ???
doit(new B) // "it's Any" ... why does this not give "it's B" ???

如果 TC 是不变的,它也可以正常工作。

这是怎么回事,如何解决? 我的目标是拥有一个隐式选择最接近的合适超类型的逆变 TC

If there are several eligible arguments which match the implicit parameter's type, a most specific one will be chosen using the rules of static overloading resolution. If the parameter has a default argument and no implicit argument can be found the default argument is used.

-Scala Language Specification - version 2.12

基本上,因为你使你的 TypeClass 逆变,这意味着 TC[Any] <:< TC[A] <:< TC[B] (其中 <:< 表示子类型)。 为此,TC[Any] 被认为是最具体的。


解决方法 1:使用继承确定隐式的优先级

下面是如何使用继承和 "LowPriority-*-Implicits" 模式:

class A
class B extends A
class C extends B
class D extends C

trait TC[-T] { def show(t: T): String }

trait LowPriorityFallbackImplicits {
  implicit def showA[X <: A]: TC[X] = 
    new TC[A] { def show(a: A): String = "it's A" }
object TcImplicits extends LowPriorityFallbackImplicits {
  implicit def showC[X <: C]: TC[X] = 
    new TC[C] { def show(c: C): String = "it's C" }

def doit[X](x: X)(implicit tc: TC[X]): Unit = println(

import TcImplicits._

doit(new A)
doit(new B)
doit(new C)
doit(new D)


it's A
it's A
it's C
it's C

解决方法 2:不变的辅助特征


class A
class B extends A

trait TC[-T] { def show(t: T): String }

val showA = new TC[A] { def show(a: A): String = "it's A" }
val showB = new TC[B] { def show(b: B): String = "it's B" }

trait TcImplicit[X] { def get: TC[X] }
implicit val showAImplicit = new TcImplicit[A] { def get = showA }
implicit val showBImplicit = new TcImplicit[B] { def get = showB }

def doit[X](x: X)(implicit tc: TcImplicit[X]): Unit = println(

doit(new A)
doit(new B)


it's A
it's B