使用 sqlite 计算列状态转换

Count column status transition with sqlite

我需要计算每个代理的布尔列更改为“否”的次数。或者每个代理有多少次从“是”过渡到“否”(以更容易的为准) 示例:

预期结果: agent_A, 2 agent_B, 0

基本上,你需要前值和累计总和。 SQLite 不支持 window 函数,所以这些函数很棘手。

select t.*,
       (select t2.status
        from t t2
        where t2.agent = t.agent and t2.datescan < t.datescan
        order by t2.datescan desc
        limit 1
       ) as prev_status
from t;


with tt as (
      select t.*,
             (select t2.status
              from t t2
              where t2.agent = t.agent and t2.datescan < t.datescan
              order by t2.datescan desc
              limit 1
             ) as prev_status
      from t
select tt.*,
       (select count(*)
        from tt tt2
        where tt2.agent = tt.agent and tt2.datescan < t.datescan and
              tt2.status = 'NO' and tt2.prev_status = 'YES'
      ) as counter
from tt;