UWP 网页视图的 Xbox One 背景音乐/任务

Xbox One background music / task for UWP web view

我很想知道是否可以通过 UWP 的 Web 视图为 Xbox One 使用后台任务/音乐。

例如,轻松地为 https://music.amazon.com/


根据我的理解,这似乎是不可能实现的,因为你基本上必须使用 MediaPlayer API,但我还阅读了一些关于取消限制后台任务的内存限制的内容(你不能发布到存储)和也许有办法实现这一目标。

I'd love to know if it's somehow possible to use background task / music for the Xbox One with web views from UWP.

目前,UWP 不为WebView. Even though the engine of WebView control is Edge, there are many differences between them. Such as microsoft edge could background music via Microsoft Edge host service, but WebView control has not. If you do want this feature, please post this on UserVoice提供背景音乐。

but I also read something about unlimiting the memory constraints for background tasks (you cannot publish to store then)
