使用 tv4 的模式响应始终有效

Postman always valid as true a response with the schema using tv4

我做了很多测试,但我找不到解决问题的方法。简化一下,我有这个 Postman 测试脚本来验证 JSON 响应是否符合为此 API:

定义的 JSON 模式
const stockQuotesSchema = JSON.parse(pm.environment.get("schema"));

pm.test("Stock quote returns 200 OK", function () {

pm.test("Stock quote is JSON", function () {

pm.test("Stock quote response matches schema", function () {
    const validationResult = tv4.validateResult(pm.response.json(), stockQuotesSchema);


    "codexxx": "UNAUTHENTICATED",
    "messagexxx": "token expired"

这是我在 运行 请求后得到的响应:

    "code": "UNAUTHENTICATED",
    "message": "token expired"

由于架构中不存在 "code" 字段和 "message" 字段,我希望得到一个 FAIL,但我总是检索到一个 True。

This is the Postman result image

我需要使用长 JSON 模式验证每个响应(我的意思是比上面的示例更大的模式)。任何的想法?谢谢

您可以强制执行建议(然后删除)banUnknownProperties mode through additional arguments to validateResult as described here。例如:

const tv4 = require('tv4');

const schema = {
    properties: {
        codexxx: {
          type: 'string'
        messagexxx: {
          type: 'string'

const invalidResponse = {
    message: 'token expired'

const validResponse = {
    codexxx: 'UNAUTHENTICATED',
    messagexxx: 'token expired'

const invalidRelaxedResult = tv4.validateResult(invalidResponse, schema);
const validRelaxedResult = tv4.validateResult(validResponse, schema);
const invalidStrictResult = tv4.validateResult(invalidResponse, schema, false, true);
const validStrictResult = tv4.validateResult(validResponse, schema, false, true);

console.log('Relaxed (invalid):', invalidRelaxedResult.valid);
console.log('Relaxed (valid):', validRelaxedResult.valid);
console.log('Strict (invalid):', invalidStrictResult.valid,
            invalidStrictResult.error.message, invalidStrictResult.error.dataPath);
console.log('Strict (valid):', validStrictResult.valid);


Relaxed (invalid): true
Relaxed (valid): true
Strict (invalid): false Unknown property (not in schema) /code
Strict (valid): true

validateResult的第三个参数指定是否进行递归检查。目前还不清楚,但我相信默认值是 false(如上例所示)。