查找符号中第二大键的函数 table

Function to find the second largest key in a symbol table

所以我正在编写一个函数,该函数将使用链表实现找到无序符号 table 中的第二大键,到目前为止我的代码无法正常工作,想知道是否有人有任何提示谢谢!

public Key secondLargestKey () {
          if(first == null) return null;
          if(size()<=1)  return null;
          Node secondMax=null;
          Node Max=first;
           for (Node pointer=first.next;pointer.next!=null;pointer=pointer.next) {
              if(Max.key.compareTo(pointer.key)<=0) {
              else {

            return Max.key;


secondLargestKeyTest: Correct  String  Answer: null
secondLargestKeyTest: Correct  String A Answer: null
secondLargestKeyTest: *Error*  String AB Expected A Actual: B
secondLargestKeyTest: Correct  String ABC Actual: B
secondLargestKeyTest: Correct  String ABABABC Actual: B
secondLargestKeyTest: *Error*  String ZAYBXC Expected Y Actual: Z

您的代码接近正确。 for 循环中的终止条件需要检查 pointer!=null,而不是 pointer.next!=null。此外,如果 pointer.key 小于 Max,则需要将其与 secondMax 进行比较,如果更大则接受它,或者 secondMaxnull(即尚未设置)


static <E extends Comparable<E>> E secondMax(Node<E> head)
  if(head == null) return null;

  E max2 = null;
  E max1 = head.key;
  for(Node<E> curr=head.next; curr!=null; curr=curr.next)
    if(curr.key.compareTo(max1) >= 0)
      max2 = max1;
      max1 = curr.key;
    else if(max2 == null || curr.key.compareTo(max2) > 0)
      max2 = curr.key;
  return max2;

static class Node<E>
  E key;
  Node<E> next;
  public Node(E k)
    key = k;