Azure 流量管理器优先级路由不起作用

Azure Traffic Manger Priority Routing is not working

我使用 Priority 创建了一个 Azure 流量管理器和路由。根据 this

The Traffic Manager profile contains a prioritized list of service endpoints. By default, Traffic Manager sends all traffic to the primary (highest-priority) endpoint. If the primary endpoint is not available, Traffic Manager routes the traffic to the second endpoint. If both the primary and secondary endpoints are not available, the traffic goes to the third, and so on





您仍然可以看到流量管理器单独指向 teststatic 站点


If the primary endpoint is not available

这里的不可用是什么意思?由于我将 Azure Web 应用程序用于我的测试目的,因此我认为当 停止我的 webapp 时可能 不可用 。但我错了,即使我停止了网络应用程序,流量管理器仍然指向停止的网络应用程序。所以我对此处不可用的含义感到困惑?

在您的屏幕截图中,测试端点监视器状态始终是 Degraded 状态。这表明该端点未包含在 DNS 响应中并且不接收流量。所以流量管理器仍然单独指向 teststatic 站点。仅当探测从探测路径接收到 HTTP 200 响应时,流量管理器才将终结点视为 ONLINE 如果监视协议是 HTTP 或 HTTPS。任何其他非 200 响应都是失败的。

你需要troubleshoot degraded state on Azure Traffic Manager and see Traffic Manager shows monitor status is degraded – Resolution

what is mean by not available here?

流量管理器根据每个端点的状态(不返回已禁用的端点)、每个端点的当前运行状况和选择的流量路由方法来选择端点。如果端点不可用,也就是说端点不包含在 DNS 响应中或者是不健康的端点。但一个例外是如果所有端点都降级,在这种情况下,所有端点都将被视为在查询响应中返回。您可以从 endpoint monitor status.


An endpoint is unhealthy when any of the following events occur: A non-200 response is received (including a different 2xx code, or a 301/302 redirect); Request for client authentication; Timeout (the timeout threshold is 10 seconds; Unable to connect.

此外,当您 verity the Traffic Manager Settings.

时,键入 ipconfig /flushdns 刷新 DNS 解析器缓存