即使设置了 throw IllegalArgumentException 也更新对象

Updating object even though throw IllegalArgumentException is setup

我正在开发一个 java 程序,我需要在我的主要方法中针对 gradeItem class 执行测试。在我的主要方法中,我有一个数组用于创建新对象 (gradeItem2):

// Uses string array from input file to create new gradeItem object
public static void processGradeItemData(String[] a) { 

  int int1 = Integer.parseInt(a[2]);
  int int2 = Integer.parseInt(a[7]);
  int int3 = Integer.parseInt(a[8]);

  System.out.println("Running Test 2b:");
  if (a[1].equals("ADD")) {
     GradeItem gradeItem2 = new GradeItem(int1, a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6], int2, int3);
     System.out.println(gradeItem2.toString() + "\n");

} // End processGradeItemData 

在我的 GradeItem class 中,如果输入的信息不符合预期,我有一堆例外:

public class GradeItem {  

private int gradeItemId;            // Unique ID for each item graded
private String studentId;           // Unique ID for each Student
private String courseId;            // Unique ID for each course
private String itemType;            // Item Type validated with array
private String date;                // Date the item was due
private int maximumScore;           // Maximum points that can be earned
private int actualScore;            // Score of item recieved by student

String[] itemTypeArray = new String[]{"HW", "Quiz", "ClassWork", "Test",


  GradeItem() {

  } // end GradeItem


  public GradeItem(int gradeItemId, String studentId, String courseId, 
                            String itemType, String date, int maximumScore,
                            int actualScore) {

     if (gradeItemId < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Grade item id cannot be blank");
     if (studentId.equals("")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Student id cannot be blank");
     if (courseId.equals("")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Course id cannot be blank");
     if (itemType.equals("")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Item type cannot be blank");
     for(int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
        if(itemTypeArray[i] != itemType) {
        if(itemTypeArray[i] == itemType) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Item type must be valid selection");
     if (date.equals("")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Date cannot be blank");
     if (maximumScore < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Maximum score must be greater"
                                           + "than 0");
     if (actualScore < 0 || actualScore > maximumScore) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Actual score must be between"
                                           + "0 and " + maximumScore);

     this.gradeItemId = gradeItemId;
     this.studentId = studentId;
     this.courseId = courseId;
     this.itemType = itemType;
     this.date = date;
     this.maximumScore = maximumScore;
     this.actualScore = actualScore;

  } // end GradeItem

} // end GradeItem

我的问题是 gradeItem2 总是被创建,即使我更改了我的代码:

     GradeItem gradeItem2 = new GradeItem(int1, a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6], int2, int3);


     GradeItem gradeItem2 = new GradeItem(int1, a[3], a[4], "testing", a[6], int2, int3);

而且我不知道我需要如何更改我的代码,以便在值与 itemTypeArray 中的值不匹配时抛出异常:

 for(int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
    if(itemTypeArray[i] != itemType) {
    if(itemTypeArray[i] == itemType) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Item type must be valid selection");



我已经编辑我的代码以使用 .equals 而不是 == 但我仍然没有得到想要的结果。如果 itemType 与 itemTypeArray 中列出的任何内容匹配,我试图让对象 gradeItem2 更新,但如果它通过循环并且没有与任何 itemTypeArray 值匹配,那么它会抛出错误。所以看起来我创建的 for 循环有问题。

         for(int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
        if(!itemTypeArray[i].equals(itemType)) {
        if(itemTypeArray[i].equals(itemType)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Item type must be valid selection");

if(itemTypeArray[i] != itemType) { 不是比较字符串的正确方法。使用 !itemTypeArray[i].equals(itemType).

但即便如此,紧随其后的是 if(itemTypeArray[i] == itemType) {,即您正在检查布尔条件及其补码,其中至少有一个为真,因此抛出无法到达。

不清楚您实际上想通过该循环实现什么。涉及 Arrays.asList(itemTypeArray).contains(itemType) 的事情可能会更容易。


if (!Arrays.asList(itemTypeArray).contains(itemType)) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException(...);

itemTypeArray 构建为常量 Set 可能是更好的选择,因此您不必继续构建此列表;虽然,这是一个很小的列表,所以差异可以忽略不计。
