使用 TimeSpan 转换 LINQ 查询时出错?到列表<>?

Error converting a LINQ query with a TimeSpan? to a List<>?

我运行以下LINQ to SQL查询

var q =
    from O in db.GetTable<OptionsTraded>()
    where O.TradeDate.Date == dtpVolReport.Value.Date
    select new { O.TradeTime };


var qq = q.ToList();


An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in System.Data.dll Additional information: Specified cast is not valid.

我只在 selecting O.TradeTime 属性时收到此错误,并且它映射到类型为 TimeSpan? 的 属性,我确信这是问题的路径。如果我在我的 table 中尝试 select 任何其他属性,包括映射到其他可空类型(例如 int?double? 的属性,我不会收到错误。

有没有人以前遇到过这种情况,或者可以推荐处理 TimeSpan? 的正确方法是什么?

OptionsTraded 是这样定义的:

[Table(Name = "OptionsTraded")]
    public class OptionsTraded
        private DateTime _TradeDate;
        [Column(Storage = "_TradeDate")]
        public DateTime TradeDate
            get { return this._TradeDate; }
            set { this._TradeDate = value; }

        private TimeSpan? _TradeTime;
        [Column(Storage = "_TradeTime")]
        public TimeSpan? TradeTime
            get { return this._TradeTime; }
            set { this._TradeTime = value; }



public class TradeViewModel
    public TimeSpan? TradeTime { get; set; }

var q =
    from O in db.GetTable<OptionsTraded>()
    where O.TradeDate.Date == dtpVolReport.Value.Date
    select new TradeViewModel {TradeTime = O.TradeTime};

var qq = q.ToList();


根据这篇文章 (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sbajaj/archive/2008/05/14/what-s-new-in-linq-to-sql-sp1.aspx) 你应该用这个属性装饰 TimeSpan

[Column(CanBeNull = true, DbType = "TIME(7) NULL")]
public TimeSpan? TradeTime 

请注意,您的 SQL 定义包含 time(0) 而不是 TIME(7)。值得检查一下这是否会导致任何并发症。


  • .NET 3.5 SP1 或更高版本
  • MS SQL 2008 Eninge(快递或普通)

此外,这里有一个列表,其中包含支持并转换为 SQL 的操作:



Although the CLR System.TimeSpan type does support addition and subtraction, the SQL TIME type does not. Because of this, your LINQ to SQL queries will generate errors if they attempt addition and subtraction when they are mapped to the SQL TIME type. You can find other considerations for working with SQL date and time types in SQL-CLR Type Mapping (LINQ to SQL).