Laravel 嘲笑失败测试

Laravel Mockery Failing Test

我只是想知道,我正在尝试创建这个测试用例,但它总是失败。使用 Mockery 时我缺少什么吗?

 /** @test */
function can_store_podcast_thumbnail()
    $podcast = factory(Podcast::class)->make([
        'feed_thumbnail_location' => '',

    $mockedService = Mockery::mock(\App\PodcastUploadService::class);

    $podcastUploadService = new \App\PodcastUploadService();


Mockery\Exception\InvalidCountException: Method storePodcastThumbnail(object(App\Podcast)) from Mockery_2_App_PodcastUploadService should be called

刚好 1 次,但调用了 0 次。



假设您要测试 Bar class,这取决于 Foo class:

 * This is the Dependency class
class Foo
    public function fooAction()
        return 'foo action';

 * This is the class you want to test, which depends on Foo
class Bar
    private $foo;

    public function __construct(Foo $foo)
        $this->foo = $foo;

    public function barAction()
        return $this->foo->fooAction();

现在在你的条形测试中,你会说当你 运行 barAction() 你期望 fooAction() 被调用并且 return 一个模拟结果:

$fooMock = Mockery::mock(Foo::class);
$barTest = new Bar($fooMock);


$result = $barTest->barAction();

$this->assertEquals('mockReturn', $result);

在示例中,我在构造函数级别传递了 Foo 对象,但如果您在函数级别传递它,效果相同
