Swagger - 默认情况下,Springfox 总是生成一些响应消息 (401,403...)。我怎样才能删除它们?

Swagger - Springfox always generates some response messages (401,403...) by default. How can I remove them?


@RequestMapping(value="/async/data", method=RequestMethod.GET, produces="application/json")
@ApiOperation(value = "Gets data", notes="Gets data asynchronously")
@ApiResponses(value={@ApiResponse(code=200, message="OK")})
public Callable<List<Data>> getData(){
    return ( () -> {return dataService.loadData();} );

我原以为只有 HTTP 状态 200 的响应消息。但是 springfox 总是生成以下消息 (401、403、404)。如何禁用(不显示)它们?

async-rest-controller Show/Hide List Operations Expand Operations
GET /async/data Gets data

Implementation Notes
Gets data asynchronously

Response Class (Status 200)
ModelModel Schema

Response Content Type 

Response Messages
HTTP Status Code    Reason  Response Model  Headers
401 Unauthorized        
403 Forbidden       
404 Not Found


对于 1.0.2 或更早版本

  new SwaggerSpringMvcPlugin(...)
        //More config
        .useDefaultResponseMessages(false) //<-- this should be false


  new Docket()
        //More config
        .useDefaultResponseMessages(false) //<-- this should be false


new Docket().useDefaultResponseMessages(false)

您可能还需要使用此注释,具体取决于您想要的状态代码 return:


⚠️ 不要将 ResponseEntity 与 WebFlux 一起使用,因为那样会始终添加 200 代码。看到这个 github issue.

使用 OpenAPI 3,您只需将此 属性 添加到 applications.yml(或类似的)

  override-with-generic-response: false