Google API Google API 的配额自动完成

Google API Quota on Google API place autocomplete

我正在开发我想使用的应用程序 Google API place autocomplete. It looks like every Google API has a limited use of,2 500 requests per day, even though this special API isn't mentioned in the following page API Google Maps for Work


他们如何计算此 API 的请求数?

  1. 一个字母=一个请求
  2. 一个字母 = 多个请求(列表中每个字段一个)
  3. 一次请求 = 地址完成后单击列表
  4. 也许请求是另外一回事,但我没有发现...

Place Autocomplete Address Form uses the Google Places API, it also uses the Google Places JavaScript library.

也就是说,如果您检查 Google places api web service 的使用限制和计费,您会在顶部看到它的状态。

These limits do not apply to the Places JavaScript Library, which does not require an API key, and is covered by the Google Maps JavaScript API limits.

如果您随后跟随 link 到 Google Maps JavScript API v3 Usage limits and billing,您会看到它的状态。

Most websites and applications may use the Google Maps API free of charge. However, if you consistently generate a high amount of traffic, usage limits apply and you will need to pay for extra usage. If your site or application generates 25 000 map loads or more each day, for more than 90 consecutive days, we’ll get in touch with you to talk about payment. Don’t worry, if you go over the limits, we won’t immediately shut off your API access or display error messages on your site.

Google Places API 不加载地图 我怀疑您可以使用多少没有限制。我怀疑这是一个没有限制的publicapi。我相信这是真的,因为 Places API 不需要 API 密钥,如果没有 API 密钥 Google 真的无法知道你是谁。没有办法知道您向系统发送了 1 个或 10000 个请求,然后可能会监控您的 IP 地址。即使他们确实监控了您的 IP 地址,他们也无法联系到您。