AR 会话失败。一张或多张参考图片的尺寸无效

The AR Session Failed. One or more reference images have an invalid size

Xcode:10.1 测试版 Swift: 4 增强现实套件:2.0

开始我们的 AR 会话时,我们 运行 进入了:

The AR Session failed.

Invalid reference image.

One or more reference images have an invalid size: [file name].

Make sure that all reference images are greater than 100 pixels and have a positive physical size in meters.


解决方案 1

This post


the error message is a bit missleading. Try setting your Deployment Target (in Unity or later in Xcode) to 12.0. This fixes the issue for me.


解决方案 2

此外,让我们的部署目标保持原样 (10.0) 并确保参考图像是 .jpg 也为我们解决了这个问题。
