在 C# 中为计时器使用 Graphics.DrawString 时如何减少闪烁?

How to reduce flickering when using Graphics.DrawString in C#, for a timer?

下面是在进度条上绘制文本的 C# 代码。它用于向进度条添加文本,显示剩余时间倒计时。我使用 Graphics class 来绘制字符串而不是 Windows 表单标签,因为标签背景在放置在进度条上时无法设置为透明。


/// <summary>
    /// Adds time remaining text into a System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="target">The target progress bar to add text into</param>
    /// <param name="remainingTimeText">The text to add into the progress bar.</param>
    private void set_progress_bar_text( System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar target, string remainingTimeText )
        // Make sure we do not have a null progress bar.
        if( target == null )
            throw new ArgumentException( "Null Target" );

        // Use the progress bar label font and size.
        Font textFont = new Font( labelProgress.Font.Name, labelProgress.Font.Size );

        // gr will be the graphics object we use to draw on the progress bar.
        using( Graphics gr = target.CreateGraphics() )
            gr.DrawString( remainingTimeText,
                new SolidBrush( Color.Black ), // The brush we will use to draw the string, using a black colour.

                // The position on the progress bar to put the text.
                new PointF(
                // X location of text, to be placed at the centre of the progress bar.
                    progressBar.Width / 2 - ( gr.MeasureString( remainingTimeText,
                    textFont ).Width / 2.0F ),
                // Y Location
                progressBar.Height / 2 - ( gr.MeasureString( remainingTimeText,
                    textFont ).Height / 2.0F ) ) );

我已经尝试按照 Stack Overflow 上相关问题的建议在此方法中设置 DoubleBuffered = true,但它不能防止闪烁。我无法减少文本更新的次数,因为文本是一个必须每秒更新一次的倒计时时钟。有没有办法用双缓冲来防止闪烁,或者有其他可能的解决方案吗?

ProgressBar 似乎是那些试图隐藏绘画的控件之一。所以我们需要自己动手。只需将您的 ProgressBar 与此交换即可。

添加了 CreateParams 覆盖以减少评论中提到的闪烁。

public class MyLovelyProgressBar : ProgressBar
    public MyLovelyProgressBar()
        SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);

    private string foregroundText;
    public string ForegroundText 
        get { return foregroundText;  }
            if (foregroundText != value)
                foregroundText = value;

    protected override CreateParams CreateParams
            CreateParams result = base.CreateParams;
            result.ExStyle |= 0x02000000; // WS_EX_COMPOSITED 
            return result;

    protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
        base.WndProc(ref m);
        switch (m.Msg)
            case 15: //WmPaint
                using (var graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(Handle))

    private void PaintForeGroundText(Graphics graphics)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ForegroundText))
            var size = graphics.MeasureString(ForegroundText, this.Font);
            var point = new PointF(Width / 2.0F - size.Width / 2.0F, Height / 2.0F - size.Height / 2.0F);
            graphics.DrawString(ForegroundText, this.Font, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), point);

然后只需在您的计时器事件中更改 ProgressBar 的 ForegroundText。

myLovelyProgressBar1.ForegroundText = "A constantly changing lovely text";