站点发布错误(路由 table 中没有路由与提供的值匹配。)

Site publishing error (No route in the route table matches the supplied values.)

我有一个 "asp.net" 网站。我想发布这个。该站点是 运行。但是当我想发布时,我得到了这个

No route in the route table matches the supplied values.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. 

Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: No route in the route table matches the supplied values.

Source Error: 

Line 45:     }
Line 46: 
Line 47:     Html.RenderAction("RenderForm", "UmbracoForms", new {formId = form, recordId = recordGuid, theme = theme, includeScripts = includeScripts });
Line 48: }

Source File: d:\dzhosts\localuser\diojen34\www.aspdeneme.somee.com\Views\MacroPartials\InsertUmbracoFormWithTheme.cshtml    Line: 47 

我的项目中没有控制器。使用 Umbraco 准备的站点。它在本地工作,但在服务器上不工作的原因是什么?请帮助我

确保您已经发布了所有的 dll - 该特定控制器是 UmbracoForms 附加包的一部分,您可能没有上传相关的 dll。