Sybase 16 的 HikariCP 可接受测试查询

HikariCP Acceptable Test Query for Sybase 16

下面的问题和答案非常适合回答除 Sybase ASE (SAP ASE) 之外几乎所有数据库的这个问题: Efficient SQL test query or validation query that will work across all (or most) databases

什么是适合 ASE 的设置?我将 ASE 16 与驱动程序一起使用:




从下面的错误来看,它似乎需要一个存储过程,但是当我尝试一个现有的存储过程时(与 "SELECT 1" 相对应)它也不起作用

HikariPool-1 - Failed to execute connection test query (Stored procedure '"SELECT 1"' not found. Specify owner.objectname or use sp_help to check whether the object exists (sp_help may produce lots of output).


spring.datasource.hikari.connection-test-query="SELECT 1"

In Sybase ASE select 可以没有 where 或 from 子句

A simple select statement contains only the select clause; the from clause is almost always included, but is necessary only in select statements that retrieve data from tables. All other clauses, including the where clause, are optional.

所以你可以只使用 Select 1 删除 双引号 example

connection-test-query: SELECT 1