python + vk_api 的 Vk 聊天机器人

Vk chat bot with python + vk_api


import vk_api
import time
import json

token = 'ea8d297a7***3fd45e98fd0f2b0215954d854a0'
vk = vk_api.VkApi(token=token)
vk._auth_token() # vk.auth() doesn't work

print(  # Getting chat info
keyboard = {'one_time':True,
                        'label':'This is keyboard!'},
my_id = vk.method('messages.getConversations')['items'][0]['last_message']['from_id']
# my_id - id of the last message in the chat
            'message':'Keyboard to the studio!',

vk_api.exceptions.ApiError: [912] This is a chat bot feature, change this status in settings

vk.method('messages.send', ..... 发生了。 我想用键盘发送用户消息。我该怎么做以及为什么会出现此错误?感谢您的帮助!

您应该转到 "Community Management" - > "Messages" - > "Bot Settings" 并启用“机器人功能”