
How to get the 'state' of an element in python-selenium?



element = find_element_by_xpath(myxpath)

其次,您可以使用 WebDriverWait 确保 webdriver 等待一些超时,直到在某个给定状态 找到元素 :

element = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, myxpath)))

对于后一种方法,您可以定义多个 'expected conditions'(参见 here):

element_located_to_be_selected, element_to_be_clickable, element_to_be_selected etc.

我的问题:仅使用第一种查找元素的方法,如何检查该元素处于哪个状态(以防我找到该元素)。如何检查是 'clickable' 还是 'selectable' 等?是否有 element 对象的属性可用于确定元素的 state

把这个: driver.findElement(your-element).click() 进入try-catch块,然后处理异常

没有任何 is_clickable() 函数或属性。看着 source code

class element_to_be_clickable(object):
    """ An Expectation for checking an element is visible and enabled such that
    you can click it."""
    def __init__(self, locator):
        self.locator = locator

    def __call__(self, driver):
        element = visibility_of_element_located(self.locator)(driver)
        if element and element.is_enabled():
            return element
            return False

您可以看到 element_to_be_clickable 使用 visibility_of_element_located,它使用 element.is_displayed() 等待可见性,并使用 element.is_enabled() 检查元素是否启用。您可以检查这两者的组合。

对于 element_located_to_be_selected 你确实有一个函数,element.is_selected()

关于 "click()",它没有出现在 Python WebElement API, but in Java's API 它统计 "There are some preconditions for an element to be clicked. The element must be visible and it must have a height and width greater then 0" 中,检查这些参数就足够了。


button = driver.find_element_by_class_name('?')
href_data = button.get_attribute('href')
if href_data is None:
is_clickable = False

No,没有直接的方法通过Selenium[=69]检索WebElement的确切state =].


find_element_by_xpath() would simply find the first matching WebElement using the xpath. If no matching element is found it will raise NoSuchElementException

但是 Selenium 提供了多种方法来验证 WebElement 的状态,如下所示:

  • is_displayed(): Returns 一个布尔值 (true / false) 元素是否对用户可见。

  • is_enabled(): Returns 一个布尔值 (true / false) 元素是否启用。

  • is_selected(): Returns 一个布尔值(true / false) 元素是否被选中。

WebDriverWait() 结合 expected_conditions class

罐装 expected_conditions 通常可用于在元素达到 确定状态 时访问元素,如下所示:

  • presence_of_element_located(locator) 提及:

    class selenium.webdriver.support.expected_conditions.presence_of_element_located(locator)
    An expectation for checking that an element is present on the DOM of a page. This does not necessarily mean that the element is visible.
  • visibility_of_element_located(locator) 提及:

    class selenium.webdriver.support.expected_conditions.visibility_of_element_located(locator)
    An expectation for checking that an element is present on the DOM of a page and visible. Visibility means that the element is not only displayed but also has a height and width that is greater than 0.
  • element_to_be_clickable(locator) 提到:

    class selenium.webdriver.support.expected_conditions.element_to_be_clickable(locator)
    An Expectation for checking an element is visible and enabled such that you can click it.