如何使用 Python 中的 Returns 计算最大回撤

How to calculate MaximumDrawdown using Returns in Python

我有 DataFrame final 和我的投资组合 returns。我正在尝试使用 returns 计算 MaxDrawdown。我试过下面的代码,确实看到了很多 stackexchange 问题。但无法解决这个问题。有什么方法可以使用投资组合的 returns 来计算最大回撤。

1/2/2009     0.030483579
1/5/2009     0.002872092
1/6/2009     0.01461333
1/7/2009    -0.032431836
1/8/2009     0.0055774
1/9/2009    -0.019844336
1/12/2009   -0.019705618
1/13/2009    0.001093185
1/14/2009   -0.032726765
1/15/2009    0.013635182
1/16/2009    0.009807648
1/20/2009   -0.044440252
1/21/2009    0.035156229
1/22/2009   -0.01460641
1/23/2009    0.007399468
1/26/2009    0.007910521
1/27/2009    0.007848472
1/28/2009    0.028944903
1/29/2009   -0.023816962
1/30/2009   -0.02550717
2/2/2009    -0.000292223
2/3/2009     0.020191091
2/4/2009    -7.93651E-06
2/5/2009     0.020070065
2/6/2009     0.026235957
2/9/2009    -0.001606124
2/10/2009   -0.03629415
2/11/2009    0.00248416
2/12/2009    0.001925152
2/13/2009   -0.00441840


cum_returns = (1 + final).cumprod()
drawdown =  1 - final.div(final.cummax())


IIUC 在 cumprod 添加 diff 之后,min 是最大回撤

Out[316]: -0.043177386133390616

基于 MDD definition

Out[319]: 0.11457761692384323

您可以使用 pandas.expanding()(doc) 获得截至日期的最大回撤数据框,然后将 max 应用于 window.

pandas.expanding 将以 pandas.rolling does, but with a window that starts at the beginning of the dataframe and expands up to the current row (more info about the Window Functions here and pandas.expanding):

>> cum_returns = (1 + final).cumprod()
>> drawdown =  1 - final.div(final.cummax())
>> drawdown.expanding().max()

1/2/2009   0.000000
1/5/2009   0.000000
1/6/2009   0.000000
1/7/2009   0.032432
1/8/2009   0.032432
1/9/2009   0.046343
1/12/2009  0.065136
1/13/2009  0.065136
1/14/2009  0.094742
1/15/2009  0.094742
1/16/2009  0.094742
1/20/2009  0.114578
1/21/2009  0.114578
1/22/2009  0.114578
1/23/2009  0.114578
1/26/2009  0.114578
1/27/2009  0.114578
1/28/2009  0.114578
1/29/2009  0.114578
1/30/2009  0.114578
2/2/2009   0.114578
2/3/2009   0.114578
2/4/2009   0.114578
2/5/2009   0.114578
2/6/2009   0.114578
2/9/2009   0.114578
2/10/2009  0.114578
2/11/2009  0.114578
2/12/2009  0.114578
2/13/2009  0.114578

将回撤和最大回撤 (MDD) 放在一个数据框中,这样您就可以比较结果:

>> df_dd =  pd.concat([drawdown, drawdown.expanding().max()], axis=1)

>> df_dd.columns = ['drawdown', 'MDD'] 

>> df_dd
           drawdown       MDD
1/2/2009   0.000000  0.000000
1/5/2009   0.000000  0.000000
1/6/2009   0.000000  0.000000
1/7/2009   0.032432  0.032432
1/8/2009   0.027035  0.032432
1/9/2009   0.046343  0.046343
1/12/2009  0.065136  0.065136
1/13/2009  0.064114  0.065136
1/14/2009  0.094742  0.094742
1/15/2009  0.082399  0.094742
1/16/2009  0.073399  0.094742
1/20/2009  0.114578  0.114578
1/21/2009  0.083450  0.114578
1/22/2009  0.096837  0.114578
1/23/2009  0.090154  0.114578
1/26/2009  0.082957  0.114578
1/27/2009  0.075759  0.114578
1/28/2009  0.049007  0.114578
1/29/2009  0.071657  0.114578
1/30/2009  0.095336  0.114578
2/2/2009   0.095601  0.114578
2/3/2009   0.077340  0.114578
2/4/2009   0.077347  0.114578
2/5/2009   0.058830  0.114578
2/6/2009   0.034137  0.114578
2/9/2009   0.035688  0.114578
2/10/2009  0.070687  0.114578
2/11/2009  0.068379  0.114578
2/12/2009  0.066585  0.114578
2/13/2009  0.070709  0.114578

假设您已经有一个包含累积 return 的列,这非常简单:您想要获得任何给定点的最大值并将其与实际累积 return 进行比较仅在该点之后出现的行。


import pandas as import pd
import numpy as np

def max_drawdown(arr: pd.Series) -> int:
    return np.min(arr / arr.expanding().max()) - 1

如果您需要先计算累计值 return,使用 log 会非常简单:

import numpy as np

final['log_return'] = np.log(1 + final['Returns'])
final['log_cum_return'] = np.cumsum(final['log_return'])
final['cumulative_returns'] = np.expm1(final['log_cum_return'])