从 Haskell 中的文本文件读取后如何将元组添加到列表

How to add tuples to list after reading from a text file in Haskell

我正在尝试在 Haskell 中创建一个程序,该程序从文本文件中读取文本并将它们添加到列表中。


type x = [(String, Integer)] 


我知道如何阅读 Haskell 中的文本文件,但不确定下一步该怎么做。我是 Haskell 中的编程新手,主要是在 Java 中编程,这是非常不同的。



Test.hs:14:59: Not in scope: ‘group’


import System.IO  
import Data.Char(toLower)

main = do  
       contents <- readFile "testFile.txt"
       let lowContents = map toLower contents
       let outStr = countWords (lowContents)
       let finalStr = sortOccurrences (outStr)
       print outStr

-- Counts all the words
countWords :: String -> [(String, Int)]
countWords fileContents = countOccurrences (toWords fileContents)

-- Split words
toWords :: String -> [String]
toWords s = words s

-- Counts, how often each string in the given list appears
countOccurrences :: [String] -> [(String, Int)]
countOccurrences xs = map (\xs -> (head xs, length xs)) . group . sortOccurrences xs

-- Sort list in order of occurrences.
sortOccurrences :: [(String, Int)] -> [(String, Int)]
sortOccurrences sort = sortBy sort (comparing snd)


Haskell 具有相当富有表现力的类型系统(比 Java 更丰富),因此最好以自上而下的方式纯粹从类型的角度来考虑这个问题。您提到您已经知道如何读取 Haskell 中的文本文件,所以我假设您知道如何获取包含文件内容的 String

您要定义的函数是这样的。现在,我们将定义设置为 undefined 以便代码类型检查(但在运行时产生异常):

countWords :: String -> [(String, Int)]
countWords fileContents = undefined

您的函数将 String(文件内容)映射到元组列表,每个元组将某个词与该词在输入中出现的频率相关联。这听起来像是解决方案的一部分将是一个函数,它可以将一个字符串拆分成一个单词列表,这样您就可以处理它来计算单词的数量。 IE。你会想要这样的东西:

-- Splits a string into a list of words
toWords :: String -> [String]
toWords s = undefined

-- Counts, how often each string in the given list appears
countOccurrences :: [String] -> [(String, Int)]
countOccurrences xs = undefined


countWords :: String -> [(String, Int)]
countWords fileContents = countOccurrences (toWords fileContents)


这个类型驱动程序的另一个好处是 Hoogle 可以被告知去寻找给定类型的函数。例如,考虑我们之前描述的 toWords 函数的类型:

toWords :: String -> [String]
toWords s = undefined

Feeding this to Hoogle reveals a nice function: words 这似乎正是我们想要的!所以我们可以定义

toWords :: String -> [String]
toWords s = words s

唯一缺少的是为 countOccurrences 提出一个适当的定义。唉,searching for this type on Hoogle doesn't show any ready-made solutions. However, there are three functions which will be useful for coming up with our own definition: sort, group and map:

  1. sort 函数的作用,顾名思义:它对事物列表进行排序:

    λ: sort [1,1,1,2,2,1,1,3,3]
  2. group 函数对连续(!)相等的元素进行分组,生成一个列表列表。例如

    λ: group [1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,3]
  3. map函数可用于将group生成的列表列表转换为元组列表,给出每个组的长度:

    λ: map (\xs -> (head xs, length xs)) [[1,1,1,1,1],[2,2],[3,3]]


countOccurrences :: [String] -> [(String, Int)]
countOccurrences xs = map (\xs -> (head xs, length xs)) . group . sort $ xs

现在你已经准备好了所有的部分。您的 countWords 是根据 toWordscountOccurrences 定义的,每个都有一个正确的定义。

这种类型驱动方法的好处在于,写下函数签名将有助于您的思考和编译器(当您违反假设时抓住您)。您还可以自动将问题分解为更小的问题,每个问题都可以在 ghci.


Data.Map 是最简单的方法。

import qualified Data.Map as M

-- assuming you already have your list of words:
listOfWords :: [String]

-- you can generate your list of tuples with this
listOfTuples :: [(String, Integer)]
listOfTuples = M.toList . M.fromListWith (+) $ zip listOfWords (repeat 1)