
Locally owned reference considered borrowed

我有一个带有 Option<String> 字段的结构类型。在我的可选类型的方法中,我想匹配该字段并将值提取到本地范围中。我知道我需要说服借用检查器不要删除我的结构类型中指向的内存;我不确定该怎么做。


struct Cell {
    data: Option<String>,

impl Cell {
    fn match_me(&self) -> String {
        match self.data {
            Some(x) => x,
            None => "match failed".to_owned(),

fn main() {
    let data = Some("hello".to_owned());
    let my_cell = Cell { data };
    let result = my_cell.match_me();
    print!("{}", result);

这个程序显然是错误的,因为我将 x 内部的值移动到局部范围内,这意味着它会在方法 returns 时被删除;但是,由于该结构比方法调用还长,该值仍可在其他地方访问,这将产生 use after free 错误。

因为我想使用 Some() 值而不丢弃它,所以我想我应该对它进行引用计数。尝试二:

use std::rc::Rc;

struct Cell {
    data: Rc<Option<Rc<String>>>,

impl Cell {
    fn match_me(&self) -> String {
        let local = self.data.clone();
        match *local {
            Some(x) => *Rc::clone(&x),
            None => "match failed".to_owned(),

fn main() {
    let data = Rc::new(Some(Rc::new("hello".to_owned())));
    let my_cell = Cell { data };
    let result = my_cell.match_me();
    print!("{}", result);


   Compiling playground v0.0.1 (file:///playground)
error[E0507]: cannot move out of borrowed content
  --> src/main.rs:10:15
10 |         match *local {
   |               ^^^^^^ cannot move out of borrowed content
11 |             Some(x) => *Rc::clone(&x),
   |                  - hint: to prevent move, use `ref x` or `ref mut x`

error[E0507]: cannot move out of borrowed content
  --> src/main.rs:11:24
11 |             Some(x) => *Rc::clone(&x),
   |                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot move out of borrowed 

除了 clone 物品本身,我真的别无选择吗?

Playground Link to the obviously wrong example.

Playground Link to a reference counted nightmare.


  1. 如果您只想 return 对字符串的引用而不更改 Cell 中的任何内容,您应该 return &str 而不是 String 来自 match_me()。除了 return 类型之外,您只需要对第一个示例中的 match_me() 进行细微更改:

    fn match_me(&self) -> &str {
        match &self.data {
            Some(x) => x,
            None => "match failed",


  2. 如果要将字符串移出结构,则需要接收 self 作为可变引用:

    fn match_me(&mut self) -> String {
        match self.data.take() {
            Some(x) => x,
            None => "match failed".to_owned(),

    这将在调用该函数后在 self.data 中留下一个 None,因为我们将字符串移出并将所有权转移回调用者。

  3. 最后,如果出于某种原因你确实需要字符串的共享所有权,你也可以使用引用计数指针:

    struct Cell {
        data: Option<Rc<String>>,
    impl Cell {
        fn match_me(&self) -> Rc<String> {
            match &self.data {
                Some(x) => x.clone(),
                None => Rc::new("match failed".to_owned()),



如果您想 return &String 并避免 clone

,我想扩展 Sven Marnach 的答案并提出另一种选择
impl Cell {
    // it is better to use `Result` type in case when an error may be occurred
    fn match_me(&self) -> Result<&String, &'static str> {
        match self.data {
            // `ref` provides to bind a reference to a variable
            // cel: &String 
            Some(ref cel) => Ok(cel),
            None => Err("match failed"),

fn main() {
    // add unwrap to get a value
    let result = my_cell.match_me().unwrap();